Aumnibus Staff

540 Posts
Theatre AUM’s “New Millennium” a student showstopper

Theatre AUM’s “New Millennium” a student showstopper

By: Kniya Potts AUM Audio · Theatre AUM “New Millennium” a must-see student showstopper MONTGOMERY, Ala.— Theatre AUM’s first spring production “New Millennium” was a success in January showcasing modern-day mini skits performed by student actors.  With a variety of scenes, songs and monologues, it is evident that these students worked hard on their craft. Students were part of the directing staff, as well as design and technical components. Theatre assistant professor and director of the production Michael Krek was pleased with the variety of student’s creations. Krek said, "We try to make it as student centric as possible, in…
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Call for Censorship

Call for Censorship

How book challenges are affecting the Autauga-Prattville Library By: Makenzie Martin and Alexis Stafford The Autauga-Prattville Public Library is under attack as book challenges are calling for the removal of LGBTQ+ material, which can have detrimental effects on the community’s accessibility to information.  Prattville parents have been striking down the Autauga-Prattville Public Library (APPL) with claims that certain materials are inappropriate for minors to have access to. This all began when a local mother, unknowing of its content, permitted her son to check out The Pronoun Book by Chris Ayala-Kronos and Melita Tirado. The children’s book has a very simple…
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Strong Tower Church

Strong Tower Church

Addressing Poverty, Violence and Health Inequalities in Montgomery By: Maya Thompson MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Strong Tower at Washington Park Church, nestled in the heart of the troubled Washington Park neighborhood in Montgomery, is on a mission to bring positive change to the community plagued by violence, prostitution, drugs and poverty. Through a diverse array of transformative programs and annual initiatives, the church is diligently striving to serve as a symbol of hope and rejuvenation within the Washington Park neighborhood of Montgomery. The church actively engages in community outreach efforts, with a recent event specifically targeting college-aged adults. The Real Talk…
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Struggling minds

Struggling minds

The silent epidemic taking over our colleges By: Victoria Salters MONTGOMERY, Ala. —The halls of our nation’s universities often bear a sad secret, the academic pursuit for many students is often plagued with the struggle of mental health. From balancing course work, pressure and expectations from family and trying to maintain a social life, the pressures can become overwhelming many college students.  According to the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments annual survey conducted in the 2021-2022 school year, 44% of college students reported symptoms of depression; 37% said they experienced anxiety and 15% have seriously considered suicide. These…
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Op-ed: The case for forgiving student loan debt 

Op-ed: The case for forgiving student loan debt 

By: Deshala Wilkins In a country that is becoming increasingly polarized, few political issues have sparked as much debate and division as forgiving student loan debt. Proponents argue that relieving college graduates of their crushing debt is not just a compassionate gesture, but a vital step towards economic justice. On the other side, skeptics warn of fiscal recklessness and question the fairness of erasing such debt.  However, in the midst of this heated discourse, two undeniable truths emerge: the student loan crisis has reached unprecedented levels, and the consequences of inaction may be dire. The pressing question remains. Is it…
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Op-ed: Public faith and universities can and should coexist

Op-ed: Public faith and universities can and should coexist

By: Dalton Kimbro AUBURN, Ala. – Some Auburn University faculty and staff have come under fire after participating in student baptisms on campus. Per WSFA News, head football coach Hugh Freeze, along with other Auburn faculty members, can be seen on video baptizing students, including a freshman football player, following an on-campus worship service called “Unite Auburn.”   Involvement of university faculty triggered a response from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), stating that Freeze’s actions “create a coercive environment that excludes those students who don’t subscribe to the Christian views being pushed onto players by their coaches,” per New York…
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Communication Department’s Mentor Halloween Party

Communication Department’s Mentor Halloween Party

By: Keturah Stone MONTGOMERY, Ala. − Halloween is a national pastime where people enjoy dressing up as someone else. In the spirit of the season Auburn University at Montgomery’s (AUM) campus held “Shriek Week” as the school colors are black and orange, and the Communication Department was part of these celebrations with a Halloween faculty-mentee party Monday night. The purpose of the event was for faculty mentors to meet their student mentees. The week before an email was sent out about a scavenger hunt to where students could win up prizes, including first place: $100 toward your student account; second…
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Op-ed: From breast to chest

Op-ed: From breast to chest

Are hospitals stealing femininity? By: Gracie Keith Cancel culture is not a topic that is new to anyone, but the topics of discussion seem to get more and more triggering and leftist-focused the deeper we dive into cancellation. Everywhere you turn people are changing wordage or canceling wordage. The media does not hold back from putting those who are canceled on blast, but a topic we have not seen blasted yet is the attempt to change the phrase and action of breastfeeding to chest feeding in lactation offices and hospitals. This blatant attempt to steal femininity from the action of…
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The price of being an Auburn Tiger

The price of being an Auburn Tiger

Auburn University and Auburn University at Montgomery students can expect a rise in tuition and housing fall of 2024 By: Penton McNider MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Prices across the U.S. can be seen on the rise recently from gasoline to eggs; with inflation rates reaching the highest seen since the 1980s. According to Rob Wile, a business reporter for NBC News, the consumer price index is continuously trending upward. Wile explains this trend upwards is related to COVID-19 pandemic and it will likely be a long time before we see pre-pandemic prices.  While some prices are expected to take some time…
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Aiming high and scoring goals

Aiming high and scoring goals

Photo Courtesy of AUM Athletics Inspired by her role models, Emma Webster finds a way to balance her studies and soccer By: Gracie Keith AUM Audio · Aiming High and Scoring Goals: How Emma Webster Balances Studies and Soccer MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Growing up did you have an inspirational role model? Maybe this was a famous athlete, celebrity or a family member. The choice could be who is the coolest, or has the most money or medals. But for some, there is so much more to a role model. Emma Webster, a sophomore on the Auburn University Montgomery Women’s Soccer…
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Halloween Safety PSA

Halloween Safety PSA

By: Mason Lawrence Halloween is a very fun time of year, but for it to be fun, you need to stay safe. Whether youare going to a party, trick-or-treating or a fall festival, there are several ways that you can havefun and be safe. Firstly, if you have kids or little ones with you, make sure you keep an eye onthem. With everyone in costumes, it is easy to lose sight and get separated. Your kid will mostlikely be matching at least one other kid, so it is important to keep them close. To prevent this,you can hold the child’s…
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Young, Educated and Starving?

Young, Educated and Starving?

Photo by Frank C. Williams By: Victoria Salters The broke college student — it’s a common phrase that many young college students are all too familiar with. I remember when I was first moving into college, my mom made a joke about how I needed to be sure that I avoided eating too much junk food because “The freshman 15 doesn’t discriminate.” Little did I know that I would be met with an adverse problem. As college students navigate the uncharted territory of university life, they often encounter unexpected challenges. For many, the high cost of living and the cost…
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What I wish I knew as a freshman in college: Taking advantage of campus counseling services

What I wish I knew as a freshman in college: Taking advantage of campus counseling services

By: Kniya Potts As a student at AUM, something that would make a difference in your college career would be to utilize and take advantage of the counseling services here on campus. Coming in as a first-time freshman can be overwhelming. Making use of this program has been beneficial to many students. According to Dr. Hemmings, the counseling services here at AUM enjoy working with students. The services here are free, so she strongly encourages students to utilize them. “The counseling services at AUM are phenomenal. We’ve got a great team here. We do not charge, and you can come…
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<strong>Hayley Richards legacy</strong>

Hayley Richards legacy

By: Emma Keith Picture of Hayley Richards who won Best Experimental Learning Project Do you ever think about what a legacy is? What do you want to be remembered for, who do you want to be remembered by, and what legacy will you leave? Hayley Richards is leaving behind an amazing legacy when it comes to writing for Auburn University Montgomery. Hayley is a Communications major who has been at AUM for 5.5 years. In this time, she has published many articles for Aums online writing forum the Aumnibus and has recently been recognized as “Best Experimental Learning Project” in…
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<strong>Orientation Rocks for Incoming Freshman at AUM</strong>

Orientation Rocks for Incoming Freshman at AUM

By: Lex Wedgworth Incoming freshmen have something to look forward to this upcoming Summer due to the fact that they will have the pleasure of attending orientation on a particular date at Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM). Although orientation at AUM  seems like you are going to a day camp it is much more than that. At orientation at AUM, students can: register for classes, get their Warhawk identification cards, tour the beautiful campus, meet others that could potentially be their classmates, learn about the services students get and they can ask any unanswered questions that may be lingering in…
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A College Student’s Guide to Credit Cards

A College Student’s Guide to Credit Cards

BY: Savanna Pruitt According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, “​​one-third of students had credit cards before they entered college, and another 46 percent acquired them during the first year.” Unfortunately, lots of college students get credit cards without knowing the proper way to use them and end up in financial trouble. If you’re a college student, here are a few basics you need to be aware of if you’re planning on using a credit card.  1. Don’t sign up for a credit card for the free swag. It can be tempting to fill out a quick credit application form…
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Do You Really Have to Pay Back Your Federal Student Loans?

Do You Really Have to Pay Back Your Federal Student Loans?

BY: Savanna Pruitt According to the Education Data Initiative, federal ​​student loan debt in the United States currently adds up to a staggering $1.611 trillion. Let’s break that down: Over 40 million Americans have federal student loan debt averaging about $37,000.  Federal Student Aid reports that, regardless of whether they’ve secured employment post-graduation or not, federal student loan borrowers usually need to start paying back their loans six months after they graduate, drop below half-time enrollment, or leave school. There are a few types of loans such as the Perkins Loan that come with nine-month grace periods. However, there are…
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Facing Plastic Pollution

Facing Plastic Pollution

BY: Alex Roberson Different types of plastic are endangerments to the environment. Plastic is biodegradable, so it breaks down into smaller pieces and the pieces stick to each other like magnets. Tens of thousands of marine organisms have suffered from entanglement and digesting plastic. Fish are eating microplastics, which are small plastic particles in the environment. After marine life eats plastic, the plastic works its way up the food chain and into what we eat, according to Oceana.  I decided to ask students on campus about their thoughts on the subject. I first interviewed Jazmyn Crumpton, a Junior at AUM.…
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Meet Miss Phi Beta Sigma

Meet Miss Phi Beta Sigma

BY: Jayla Brown The Alpha Psi Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated recently held a Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant. Four ladies showed off their talents in dance and other performances in competition to be crowned Miss Phi Beta Sigma. After several performances, the judges crowned Sierra Hall as Miss Phi Beta Sigma 2022-2023. Hall, 22, is a Montgomery native. She is a Senior majoring in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations. She aspires to work in media that is heavily involved in nonprofit work and community engagement.  The Alpha Psi Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma…
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The Warhawk Resource Center Has All the Answers

The Warhawk Resource Center Has All the Answers

BY: Chris Porter If you didn’t already know, there is a dedicated place at AUM that focuses on assisting students in any way possible. This place gives you information about all of the news happening around campus while also helping you find your way around and more. Who doesn’t love resources? This place is called the Warhawk Resource Center (WRC), and it plays a crucial role in linking AUM students to the assistance they need. The WRC just moved its office location to the second floor of the Taylor Center, directly across from the AUM Bookstore. In order to learn…
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