
How to Decorate Your Dorm on a Budget for the Holidays

How to Decorate Your Dorm on a Budget for the Holidays

BY: Savanna Pruitt The holiday season is right around the corner! That means it’s almost time to start decorating your space for the occasion. If you’re living in a dorm room, chances are you’re working with limited resources and space. Don’t worry— there are lots of things you can do to spruce up your dorm for the holidays that won’t break the bank. 1. Get a mini Christmas tree. It can be tempting to go all out with a six-foot tree, but it’s better to stay on the smaller side if you’re on a tight budget. Even if you get…
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Ways to Volunteer and Give Back in the River Region

Ways to Volunteer and Give Back in the River Region

BY: Savanna Pruitt There’s nothing quite like giving back to your community. It’s a great way to help out your neighbors, it’s an excellent way to meet new friends, and it looks great on any resume. Wondering where you can spend your time serving others in the River Region? Here’s a quick guide to several volunteer opportunities in our area. Brantwood Children’s Home- Montgomery Mission: “Serving youth through a caring, therapeutic environment where hurts are healed; hope is nurtured.”Volunteer Opportunities: Through Brantwood’s Be a Friend Mentoring Program, mentors meet with an assigned child or teen in person at least once…
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Holiday Travels

Holiday Travels

BY: Alecia Hicks Seasons are changing, the leaves are falling, and Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. Everyone is excited to be finishing up the Fall 2021 semester. For some people, this means traveling to a different state. For others, this might mean hopping on a plane to go back to a completely different country. For some, this means taking a short trip across town to see family. Whatever transportation you have to take, it is always a good idea to take the safest measures possible when traveling during the holidays. The National Safety Council (NSC) says that…
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Biden and Afghanistan

Biden and Afghanistan

BY: Kendra Carpenter In 2001, right after United States citizens’ lives completely changed with 9/11, Afghanistan was taken by storm to capture leader Osama Bin Laden. Since 2001, the U.S armed forces have been fighting while continuing to be attacked. In 2014, the Afghan National Security Forces were put in charge and still took multiple defeats. The U.S sent more troops over in 2017 to continue to attempt to overthrow the Taliban’s troops. Between 2020 and 2021, attacks have gotten increasingly worse. Women having rights is also at high risk as well.  The Taliban do plan on reversing the rights…
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Flammable Vol. 1: The Beginning

Flammable Vol. 1: The Beginning

BY: Alecia Hicks Music fuels our souls. It is what makes us sing. It is what makes us dance. Music can bring us tears, or it can make us smile from ear to ear. The music industry is always changing and bringing forth new icons and legends for people to look up to. Macio Malone (also known as MC Burn Em), a student at AUM, is looking to be one of the many legends that we look up to in the music industry. Malone was influenced by music at a very young age. At 13 years old, he began writing…
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Early Registration at AUM

Early Registration at AUM

BY: Alecia Hicks Alecia Hicks  Registration for spring is near. One of the many tasks as a college student is to make sure that you are signed up for classes. The earlier the better.  Priority Registration for seniors, UHP, athletes and graduate students begins on Oct. 29. For juniors, the first day is Nov. 1. For sophomores and freshmen, the first day is Nov. 2. These dates are swiftly approaching, so students should make sure to talk with their advisors so that they might be fully prepared for next semester. All of these dates can be found on AUM’s website. …
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Restaurant Owners Sue New York Over Vaccine Mandate

Restaurant Owners Sue New York Over Vaccine Mandate

BY: Kendra Carpenter As we all know, COVID-19 is getting worse before it gets better. Businesses are in desperate times and the individuals who own the businesses are trying their best to keep their heads above water. I am pro-vaccination and masks, but I also believe in your rights. If someone is not comfortable with masks or vaccination, it shouldn’t keep that individual from running his or her business. In New York City, a group of restaurant owners plans on suing Mayor Bill de Blasio and the entire city over the vaccine mandate. The City announced a rule requiring people…
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Mask Refusal Results in Jail Time

Mask Refusal Results in Jail Time

BY: Kendra Carpenter In Singapore, a man by the name of Benjamin Glenn was recently recorded refusing to put his mask on his face in public. He loudly chanted, “I’m not going to put that mask on my face,” while shouting curse words. Glenn was sentenced to six weeks in prison for mask refusal. Glenn is forty years old and has been caught several times breaking COVID-19 protocols in the country. As we all know, COVID-19 has been getting a lot worse before it has gotten better, and the world still does not seem to be taking it seriously. Even…
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Is TikTok Beneficial to Brands?

Is TikTok Beneficial to Brands?

BY: Alecia Hicks From the consumers’ perspective, it may look like there isn’t much effort put into evaluating how a viewer reacts to ads on their social media feed. However, TikTok is on a mission to thoroughly evaluate how its users are reacting to the ads between their videos.  TikTok started off as an app that offers short-clip videos. Its videos ranged from 15-30 seconds. Once the app received a lot of attention, quickly becoming a worldwide sensational app, it began to incorporate ads into its feed. Over the years, social media has been known to make creators and/or brands…
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Spaying and Neutering— Is It Really That Important?

Spaying and Neutering— Is It Really That Important?

BY: Savanna Pruitt Did you know that, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), approximately 920,000 shelter animals are euthanized each year? A large portion of those cats and dogs are euthanized because shelters simply don’t have room for the influx of homeless animals they’re receiving. Spaying and neutering your pet can help eliminate this problem, and it will also benefit your pet and their overall well-being in a number of ways.  Health The ASPCA reports that female cats and dogs who are spayed at the proper age live longer and healthier lives overall…
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Have You Heard About This New Business Opportunity?

Have You Heard About This New Business Opportunity?

BY: Savanna Pruitt We’ve all had an old friend from high school contact us on Facebook about an “exciting business opportunity” selling a product and working from home, right? Chances are, most of those friends are parts of MLMs, also known as multi-level marketing organizations or direct sales businesses. What exactly is an MLM, and are these kinds of business models ethical? What is an MLM? As previously stated, an MLM is a multi-level marketing organization. According to Investopedia, MLMs “encourage existing members to promote and sell their offerings to other individuals and bring on new recruits into the business.”…
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The Future of the Workforce

The Future of the Workforce

BY: Alecia Hicks With life being so uncertain and the constant fears and changes of life during a pandemic, what does this mean for the workforce? Pre-pandemic people who worked had their regular schedules of waking up, going to their 9-5 jobs, and enjoying what little free time was left over. Due to the pandemic, people have found a new kind of freedom that allows them to continue to do their jobs from the comfort of their own homes while still maintaining a quality of life.  So what does this mean for the conventional corporate business owner that, at one…
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What Happened to Home Ec?

What Happened to Home Ec?

BY: Savanna Pruitt If you ask the average college student how to file taxes, write a professional cover letter, or open an investment account, you will likely be met with a panicked stare or a nervous laugh. Many young adults have no idea how to do these things on their own, and it’s not necessarily their fault. Teens and young adults today lack many of the skills needed to succeed financially and professionally, and it’s due in part to a simple lack of education.  In 1909, MIT Sanitary Engineer Mary Richards founded the American Home Economics Association (AHEA), now known…
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The Incredible Rise of Influencer Marketing

The Incredible Rise of Influencer Marketing

BY: Savanna Pruitt Have you ever purchased a product because your favorite YouTuber posted an entire vlog series all about how it changed their life? If so, your favorite YouTuber is an influencer, and your purchase was driven by influencer marketing.  According to CommPRO, an influencer is “someone who has influence over others’ buying decisions.” Today, the term is most commonly applied to social media personalities who work with companies to generate revenue and increase brand awareness. The average influencer works to build their reputation and forge a genuine connection with their audience. In turn, the audience trusts or admires…
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5 Tips for Entertaining at Home This Summer

5 Tips for Entertaining at Home This Summer

BY: Savanna Pruitt Just because many of us are still sticking close to home right now doesn’t mean this upcoming summer has to be dull and boring! There are lots of things you can do to make hanging out at home much more enjoyable for your close friends and family members. Here are a few great tips for entertaining safely at your home this summer.  Keep it outdoors. It’s generally a lot easier to maintain a healthy social distance outside than it is indoors. This is the perfect opportunity to get your people together and have a nice meal outdoors!…
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6 Easy Ways to Prevent and Treat Mask-Related Skin Issues

6 Easy Ways to Prevent and Treat Mask-Related Skin Issues

BY: Savanna Pruitt We’ve been wearing masks to try and cut down on the spread of COVID-19 for well over a year now, and many of us have new or more noticeable skin issues to prove it. Whether your skin is naturally oily and acne-prone or dry, wearing a face mask could really be harming your face.  Unfortunately, masks tend to trap heat, oils and sweat on the surface of your skin. Since there isn’t much airflow happening under the mask, those oils and sweat droplets have nowhere to go but inside your pores. This is what causes acne. When…
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“It’s Not Easy Being Green”: Understanding and Recognizing Corporate Greenwashing

“It’s Not Easy Being Green”: Understanding and Recognizing Corporate Greenwashing

BY: Savanna Pruitt Given the state of our global environment and growing concerns about Earth’s future, it makes sense that modern companies are doing everything they can to ease consumers’ minds and persuade them to keep buying. According to a recent survey conducted by Nielsen IQ,  66% of consumers are actually willing to pay more for sustainable products, and over half of those willing are “influenced by key sustainability factors, such as a product being made from fresh, natural and/or organic ingredients (69%), a company being environmentally friendly (58%), and company being known for its commitment to social value (56%).”…
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Morning Classes Vs Afternoon Classes

Morning Classes Vs Afternoon Classes

BY: Lashundra Daniels Students should consider scheduling morning classes when making class schedules for the semester. Imagine waking up super early and fighting through morning traffic just to arrive at an 8 a.m. Theatre Appreciation class. It sounds stressful, but I promise you it is not all that bad. I have lived it and can attest to the fact that I made it through that semester without dropping the class. No two students are the same, and some of us are not morning people. That is okay. If you know your limits and what works best for you, I encourage…
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Advice to 2021 Graduates: To Walk or Not to Walk?

Advice to 2021 Graduates: To Walk or Not to Walk?

BY: Lashundra Daniels Walking the stage for graduation after dedicating yourself to four-plus years of course work is a badge of honor. As college students, we spend countless hours studying, completing assignments and reading textbooks. Why? I assure you that the reason is not merely boredom. All of us have different reasons that inspire our relentless efforts, but our end goal is the same. That goal is to receive a degree at the end For some of us, walking across a stage and receiving applause means everything, while it means absolutely nothing to others. The standing ovation does not excite them…
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A Change Is on the Horizon

A Change Is on the Horizon

BY: Lashundra Daniels It is no secret that an unexpected disease known as COVID-19 caused a pandemic around the entire world at the beginning of 2020. It disrupted life as we knew it. Everything changed, and we were forced to stay home or risk catching a disease that unfortunately had no cure. However, all that is surely coming to an end. Recently, three variations of vaccines have become available to the citizens of the U.S. The vaccines are produced by Pfizer-BioNtech, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna. Although no vaccine has been proved to be completely combative against COVID-19, they all…
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