Monday, May 20

Tag: Seniors

Advice to 2021 Graduates: To Walk or Not to Walk?

Advice to 2021 Graduates: To Walk or Not to Walk?

BY: Lashundra Daniels Walking the stage for graduation after dedicating yourself to four-plus years of course work is a badge of honor. As college students, we spend countless hours studying, completing assignments and reading textbooks. Why? I assure you that the reason is not merely boredom. All of us have different reasons that inspire our relentless efforts, but our end goal is the same. That goal is to receive a degree at the end For some of us, walking across a stage and receiving applause means everything, while it means absolutely nothing to others. The standing ovation does not excite them because they know their degree was earned by hard work and dedication. Why dress up and spend money on an outfit just to walk across a stage and receive a degree in front of people who we...
To the Graduating Seniors of 2020

To the Graduating Seniors of 2020

BY: Caitlin Gallagher My first semester here at AUM was Spring 2012. I bought a new backpack, all new supplies, and a laptop. I was so excited to do this—get my degree and get a kickass job afterward. Seven and a half years later, and I’m finally getting my degree, but it’s not how I pictured it.  The worldwide pandemic of COVID 19 has left some of us, especially graduating seniors, feeling a little low. Athletes didn’t know their last game would be their last game. Panhellenic members didn’t know their last social would be their last social. I didn’t know that what I’ve worked towards for seven and a half years would be pushed back for another three months. I know-- I’ll still get my degree at the end of the semester but it sure doesn’t feel that way. COVID 19 has left the wor...
AUM Graduation- Fall 2019

AUM Graduation- Fall 2019

BY: Morgan Thayer Auburn University at Montgomery is bidding a final farewell to the graduating Class of 2019. Fall Commencement will take place on December 14 at 10:00 a.m. for the College of Education, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, and the College of Sciences. The College of Business and College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences will hold their ceremony at 2:00 p.m. If you are unable to attend, the ceremony will be live-streamed online at Congratulations to our graduating students!