Thursday, May 16

Tag: holidays

Opinion: Veteran’s Day without action is just another off day
News, Opinion

Opinion: Veteran’s Day without action is just another off day

By: Dalton Kimbro As the weather continues to cool and Christmas music begins to play in stores around the River Region, it is obvious that the holiday season is upon us. As Halloween passes and people begin to look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas, one holiday gets left mostly forgotten; Veteran’s Day. Personally, I’ve never been perfect about the remembrance or observance of Veteran’s Day. I, like many others, have always seen Veteran’s Day as another day off, usually forgotten about until a week before when I am reminded that school and work are canceled in observance. But as I have grown, I have begun to see the importance of taking a day of remembrance. A day remembering the sacrifices made so that we can do so many things we take for granted. However, in reality, Veteran’s...
How to Decorate Your Dorm on a Budget for the Holidays

How to Decorate Your Dorm on a Budget for the Holidays

BY: Savanna Pruitt The holiday season is right around the corner! That means it’s almost time to start decorating your space for the occasion. If you’re living in a dorm room, chances are you’re working with limited resources and space. Don’t worry— there are lots of things you can do to spruce up your dorm for the holidays that won’t break the bank. 1. Get a mini Christmas tree. It can be tempting to go all out with a six-foot tree, but it’s better to stay on the smaller side if you’re on a tight budget. Even if you get a mini Christmas tree, you can still decorate it with ornaments to your heart’s content. Here’s a link to an adorable mini tree from Amazon that’s pre-lit and comes with festive decorations. The best part? It’s currently only $18.99! 2. Make small changes. You do...
Mental Health and the Holidays

Mental Health and the Holidays

BY: Jayla Brown The holidays are coming up quickly, and while many are rejoicing for this time of year, some are not. Many people around the world have admitted that the holidays are not exactly the best time of year for their mental health. Whether it be problems with family, friends, or just life, it is very common for stress and depression to dampen your holiday mood. A survey by the American Psychological Association showed that thirty-eight percent of people said their stress level increased during the holiday season. Here are four things you can do this holiday season to cope with stress and depression. Keep your expectations manageable.  Be realistic. You won’t be available for every function and gathering.Save time for yourself. Holidays can be about you, famil...