
Theatre AUM Guild Fundraiser Event: Open Mic Night

Theatre AUM Guild Fundraiser Event: Open Mic Night

BY: Brittany Vallely Theatre AUM Guild’s (TAG) Open Mic Night is the chance to show off your skills or support your local artists! This is a public event where people are invited to showcase any kind of talent- dancers, singers, poets, comedians, and actors are all welcome to show what they've got. TAG will be bringing their own speakers and microphones in order for you to have all the sound equipment you need. Tony George, TAG president, explained that all funds will be going towards TAG to promote theatre and theatre events at AUM. “The event helps with expenses such…
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2019 Political Film Series Produces “Women in Gold”

2019 Political Film Series Produces “Women in Gold”

BY: Brittany Vallely MONTGOMERY, Ala.- If you are a fan of historic films and free food then this is the event for you. AUM’s College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences is giving the public the opportunity to watch the screening of “Women in Gold,” and will serve as part of the Holocaust Memorial Day feature.   According to the AUM website, the screening is based on a true story about Maria Altman (played by Helen Mirren) and her nephew (played by Ryan Reynolds). Altman seeks to regain a portrait of her aunt- the painting is important because Altman is…
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AUM’s Earth Companions Organization Petitions the Café for Reusable Materials

AUM’s Earth Companions Organization Petitions the Café for Reusable Materials

BY: Brittany Vallely The anti-plastic straw movement has become a social media phenomenon for when people order drinks at restaurants, but the AUM’s Earth Companions Organization (ECO) is taking a step further to help the environment on campus. ECO has created a petition to advocate that the AUM café should use reusable trays and is inviting everyone to contribute. Kate Saylor, a junior, says AUM ECO was founded in January 2019 in an Honors Program class under the direction of Keith Kawczynski. “We were tasked with developing a project that would make a difference in the community. As environmentally conscious…
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Club and Organization Spotlight: NAACP

Club and Organization Spotlight: NAACP

BY: Taniya Frazier On AUM’s campus, we have over 60+ clubs and organizations. There is always some type of activity or event going on. This week, I want to shed light on an organization’s achievement. The National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) organization on campus has been recognized for their successful progression. The Auburn Montgomery Chapter of NAACP has recently received an award for the ‘Most Improved Chapter’ from the “Alabama Youth & College Division of the NAACP” at the 66th Annual State Convention. The chapter, here on campus, currently has approximately 82 members! Since their reactivation…
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Does AUM Need New Clubs?

Does AUM Need New Clubs?

BY: Ambria Davis There are over 50 organizations and clubs on this campus, however some AUM students feel there should be more organizations and clubs that help the community more. Being in a club or organization helps students make new friends and work as a team to achieve goals and most of all, have fun. With all the organizations and clubs on campus, many of AUM’s students believe there should be a few new clubs added to the list. This could be two potential new clubs such as a mentoring program for middle and high school students and moral welfare…
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Actor Spotlight: Kodi Robertson

Actor Spotlight: Kodi Robertson

BY: Olivia Crutchfield The thing you become passionate about over the course of your life may have been something you never would have thought in a million years would soon be a part of who you are as a person. With the help of encouraging parents and the universe placing you exactly where you need to be at that moment, you can be surprised as to how your path changes instantly. Kodi Robertson is no stranger to the stage or entertaining people. For Robertson, acting and theatre was his way out of a predictable future. Robertson not only realizes how…
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The Department of Fine Arts Hosts Student Art Market

The Department of Fine Arts Hosts Student Art Market

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Nov. 7, 2018— The Department of Fine Arts will be hosting a student art market on Wednesday, November 14th in the Goodwyn Hall Lobby. The event will begin at 11:00 a.m. and will feature works from current students and AUM Alumni. Cash and checks will both be accepted and there will be cookies available for anyone who purchases any artwork. Be sure to stop by and support the Department of Fine Arts as well as your fellow classmates and Alumni. ### Contact: Chelsea Bassett
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Hot Topic Café Series Has Final Meeting for Fall 2018 Semester

Hot Topic Café Series Has Final Meeting for Fall 2018 Semester

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Nov. 7, 2018—AUM’s Housing and Residence Life will host their last meeting of the Hot Topic Café Series this semester on Wednesday, November 14. This month’s topic will be titled, “Hot or Not?” Which do you prefer: Kylie Jenner or Kim Kardashian? Chris Pine or Chris Hemsworth? What makes someone "hot?" Who decides what hot is? These are a few of the many questions that will be asked during the event, and students are welcome to gather at The Landing in the Nest to openly discuss their opinion in a judgement-free environment. You do…
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International Education Week at AUM

International Education Week at AUM

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Nov. 7, 2018—AUM with the help of many campus sponsors will begin the festivities for International Education week from Mon. Nov. 12- Sat. Nov. 17. The AUM website states that the purpose of this week is for students to have the “opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.” This is what the week will look like: Monday, November 12th— Art Around the World Outside bookstore from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Sponsored by Confucius Institute Monday, November 12th — Put Yourself on the Map Global Education Center (Taylor Center 130) from 9…
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AUM Shriek Week

AUM Shriek Week

BY Ashleigh Hicks MONTGOMERY, ALA (6 Nov., 2018)— Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) holds the annual Shriek Week event: a campus tradition, allowing students to celebrate Halloween while never being too old. Warhawks really got into the spirit this week decking out campus with festive decorations. The AUM library’s decorative theme this year was Halloween town. Staff and students worked hard to make this an unforgettable year. Warhawks dressed in all kinds of crazy ghouly costumes. Some students dressed as Penny Wise from the horror film “It”, a Chicago fan and Cleopatra. Traditionally, this week of frightful fun includes events…
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Spectrum at AUM

Spectrum at AUM

BY: Emily Mann One of the most controversial topics in the country is the LGBTQ community. Some support it and others object. Coming to terms with one’s sexual identity takes a toll on an individual’s mind. When young adults enter college, it can be difficult to find a sense of belonging and acceptance. Four in ten teens to young adults identify their living community to be unaccepting of the LGBTQ community. Feeling unaccepted in an area of residence can lead to a feeling of unacceptance on a college campus. It can lead students to easily feel lost. Research concludes that…
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Female Voices in Theatre

Female Voices in Theatre

BY: Olivia Crutchfield Theatre AUM’s first production of the 2018-2019 season is in full swing, and like previous years it’s being kicked off with a showcase. The showcases are a compilation of scenes and monologues from various plays all regarding a certain theme. This years’ showcase is showcasing monologues and scenes all written by women; Female Voices. The underrepresentation of women is evident in many industries, and unfortunately theatre is an industry where women have also been forgotten or completely misrepresented in works. Studies and numbers can clearly show how great the gap is between men and women. Although these…
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AUM Hosts First Hot Topics Café Event of the Semester

AUM Hosts First Hot Topics Café Event of the Semester

Montgomery, AL - Sept. 26, 2018- Last night AUM’s Housing and Residence Life kicked off the semester with their first meeting of the famous Hot Topics Café series. Last night’s topic was: Legalize it? Students gathered to speak on various issues such as marijuana, immigration, guns etc. and whether they believed they should or shouldn’t be legal. The event was held at The Landing in The Nest. AUM has been hosting this series for about five years now and the moderator of the event, Christin LeJeune, says that they intentionally pick hot topics to speak about so that students may…
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AUMfest is a university tradition that was started many years ago with the intention of being a fun all day event during the fall. In previous years AUMfest was planned to be a fall festival, but this year's theme is a Luau. AUMfest will be Sept. 26, 2018, from 7-10 p.m. The intended audience for this event is the student body. The goal of this event is to engage new students, continuing and transfer students through fun activities and so that they can gain exposure to The Campus Activities Board (CAB). Hopefully after attending this event students will be open…
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Professors ‘N Pajamas Spring 2018

Professors ‘N Pajamas Spring 2018

The Housing and Residence Life at Auburn University at Montgomery will host their annual end of the semester event, professors and pajamas. Professors and pajamas is an evening study session held before finals. Students are invited to bring their books, wear their pajamas, and enjoy a night of food, fun, prizes and test preparation. Professors are on hand to lend additional support in their respective areas of study. The event will be April 25th, 2018 from 8-11 PM inside the Taylor Center rooms 221-223 and 230. The dress attire is comfortable, casual and pajamas are welcomed. This event is free…
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Campus Activities Board to Host Escape Room

Campus Activities Board to Host Escape Room

The Campus Activities Board at Auburn University at Montgomery will have the Escape Room come to campus which is the last big event CAB is sponsoring for the Spring 2018 semester. CAB is bringing the breakout escape room to campus as a cool event for spring fest that will be a mysterious afternoon for students. The event will be April 25th in the Taylor Center room 230 from 12 pm - 2 pm. The target audience is the student body. There is no specific attire, individuals are encouraged to come as they are. This is a free event for students.…
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“Measure for Measure” Shows Theater Excellence

“Measure for Measure” Shows Theater Excellence

Guest starring Neil David Seibel and Sarah Walker Thornton of the Actors’ Equity Association, Michael Winkelman’s production of Measure for Measure tells the story of Isabella, a chaste, young woman and devoted sister aspiring to become a nun, and Angelo, a hypocritical, unmerciful deputy of the law. We are introduced to our characters and the town of Vienna—rife with debauchery—by Duke Vincentio (David Wilson), who has decided to pose as a friar to learn what the townsfolk really think of him. In his absence, he leaves Angelo (Neil David Seibel) to enforce the law, and Angelo’s first act is to…
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NSLS to Host Bake Sale for Autism Awareness

NSLS to Host Bake Sale for Autism Awareness

The National Society for Leadership and Success chapter at Auburn University at Montgomery will be having an Autism Awareness tabling accompanied by a bake sale. The NSLS chapter at AUM bake sale will be Thursday, April 19th, 2018 in front of Goodwyn Hall in the breezeway. The purpose of this awareness table is to provide valuable information to the student body about autism awareness in a way that is creative and interesting. The NSLS will also have a bake sale, the money will go towards assisting the chapter with future philanthropy projects. The target audience is the student body, faulty,…
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Curtiss Mascot Tryouts

Curtiss Mascot Tryouts

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a mascot? AUM is holding mascot tryouts for the 2018-19 school year. Tryouts will be held April 17th in the AUM Gymnasium. Curtiss the Warhawk is known as the AUM mascot. Multiple mascot positions are available for the upcoming school year. Students can also tryout for the mascot committee. There are requirements for the mascot position. Students must have a GPA of at least a 2.5, and they must also have a flexible school schedule. Bring a printed copy of your fall schedule to tryouts, so the committee can…
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Political Film Series to Celebrate Earth Day

Political Film Series to Celebrate Earth Day

Award-winning sequel to An Inconvenient Truth, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power shows just how close we are to an energy revolution and raises awareness on climate change. Following former Vice President Al Gore, the documentary shows efforts to invest in renewable energy leading up to the Paris Climate Agreement – and the potential repercussions of the U.S. recently leaving it. According to New York Times, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power is a reboot that justifies its existence … [It] delves deeper into the arcane details of compromise than its predecessor, with scenes of Mr. Gore working to find…
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