Tuesday, May 7


AUMfest 2018 PosterAUMfest is a university tradition that was started many years ago with the intention of being a fun all day event during the fall. In previous years AUMfest was planned to be a fall festival, but this year’s theme is a Luau. AUMfest will be Sept. 26, 2018, from 7-10 p.m. The intended audience for this event is the student body.

The goal of this event is to engage new students, continuing and transfer students through fun activities and so that they can gain exposure to The Campus Activities Board (CAB). Hopefully after attending this event students will be open to attending more events around campus and try to become active in campus life. This event will take place in Warhawk Alley. The attire is casual and comfortable; grass skirts will be provided. This event will have a taco bar catered by Moe’s, three different designated DIY activities, a photo booth and coconuts to drink mocktails out of.

The event is free to all students.


Selina Johnson
CAB Director