
Students relax and destress with goat cuddling on The Quad

Students relax and destress with goat cuddling on The Quad

Student holding a goat at the Goat Cuddling event hosted by Student Affairs By: Kate Lindsey-Hunter and Trace Espinosa, AUMnibus staff writers MONTGOMERY, Ala. — As midterms approach, the "Goat Cuddle" event on Feb. 17 was one way for students to comfortably destress by sharing some memories and some fur. Hosted by Auburn University at Montgomery’s (AUM) Student Affairs in collaboration with Sarah Warren, an owner of Goat Yoga Bham, this event provided warm, snuggly friends to our very own campus and any students willing to join. A few goats were the center of students’ attention on The Quad from…
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Rainy days and disappointment: AUM’s Homecoming pep rally leaves students unimpressed

Rainy days and disappointment: AUM’s Homecoming pep rally leaves students unimpressed

By: Christa Burns MONTGOMERY, Ala.– Auburn University at Montgomery celebrated Homecoming with a peprally that, according to students, was not so peppy. Student affairs sponsored the Homecoming pep rally on Jan. 31 at 2 p.m. in theAthletic Center. Initially, the rally was supposed to be held on the Quad, but was relocated due to the rain. There were about 25 students in attendance. The AUM Pep Band played a selection ofsongs, including the AUM Fight song. The cheerleaders danced towards the students,encouraging them to dance and sing along. Curtiss, our AUM mascot, alsocelebrated his 13th birthday, which was announced during…
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AUM opens new $36 million science and technology building after acquiring land from the Department of Public Health

AUM opens new $36 million science and technology building after acquiring land from the Department of Public Health

By: Cameron Harris MONTGOMERY, Ala. — On Friday Feb. 7 AUM Chancellor Dr. Carl Stockton gave a speech thanking all the AUM and Auburn University trustees that helped him fulfill the vision of creating a new science and technology building, a project Chancellor Stockton says he started putting in motion almost a decade ago when he first arrived at AUM. In his speech, Stockton highlighted his desire for the state-of-the-art facility to not only be utilized by AUM students and faculty, but also to help with K-12 STEM instruction and use the facilities to partner with Auburn University to assist…
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InterVarsity blends creativity, worship and community at AUM

InterVarsity blends creativity, worship and community at AUM

AUM students fellowship, share the gospel and make art at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Christ and Canvases event in Taylor Center 223 on Jan. 27. By: Kate Lindsey-Hunter MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) students gathered for painting, snacks and fellowship at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Christ and Canvases event on the evening of Jan. 27. With the theme, “Where creativity meets worship,” the event provided a space for students to express themselves artistically while connecting with fellow believers. Held in Taylor Center 223, Christ and Canvases encouraged students to create meaningful art while engaging in worship. Upon entrance, students…
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AUM Men’s Basketball secures a homecoming victory over Mississippi College

AUM Men’s Basketball secures a homecoming victory over Mississippi College

AUM Forward Trent Coleman shoots a free throw after MC’s first technical foul at AUM’s homecoming game on Feb. 1. By: Kate Lindsey-Hunter AUM Audio · Post Game interview with Michael Cheaney - AUM Men's Basketball Head Coach 2/1/2025 MONTGOMERY, Ala. — On the evening of Feb. 1, the Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) men's basketball team defeated Mississippi College (MC) 86-74 in an exciting homecoming match demonstrating AUM's tenacity and energy, especially in the second half. As both teams battled for the lead, the game got off to a fast start. AUM forward Malachi Rhodes established the tone in…
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AUM’s MLK reflections breakfast moved due to winter storm

AUM’s MLK reflections breakfast moved due to winter storm

1963 Birmingham church bombing survivor speaks at rescheduled breakfast By: Christa Burns, Junior staff writer MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Auburn University at Montgomery reschedules its MartinLuther King Jr. Reflections Breakfast due to inclement weather. The new date and time have yetto be determined. Ice on the roads made it dangerous to drive in the city. The university closed alloperations for the rest of the week. According to, "The Capital City saw a quickburst of snow that dropped around a half inch of snow, but the slushy moisture from that hasfrozen, so travel conditions are bad and getting worse in Montgomery."…
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Spoon-Fed Success: The WASC Serves Up Tips for Students Last Wednesday

Spoon-Fed Success: The WASC Serves Up Tips for Students Last Wednesday

Above, Mrs. Chanell Davis, prepares a bowl of soup for a student during the "Soup with Success" event. Students Digest Spring Strategies with Every Spoonful at Campus Kickoff Event By: Trace Espinosa MONTGOMERY, Ala. – They say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. It’s an old adage that has stood the test of timepartly because it’s true and classic; however, some say if you look close enough you might seefoundations shape in your own backyard. Last Wednesday, on the second floor of the library tower, the Warhawk AcademicSuccess Center (WASC) laid a cornerstone of its own with the “Soup with…
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Opinion: AUM’s cafeteria should be open 7 days a week

Opinion: AUM’s cafeteria should be open 7 days a week

By: Victoria Salters MONTGOMERY, AL— Extending the cafeteria's hours is one way our campus could be made better. Here at AUM students’ weekend meal options are currently restricted because the cafeteria is closed on weekends. This is a problem for an institution that prides itself on helping its student body. Because of how this issue affects AUM students and staff, the school should extend the cafe hours to seven days a week.  AUM lags behind other colleges and institutions across the country that understand how important it is to have their cafeterias open seven days a week. Similar-sized schools and…
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AUM history professor researches heroism to encourage students to be civic-minded

AUM history professor researches heroism to encourage students to be civic-minded

Photo Credit: Nick Thomas from The Montgomery Independent By: Christa Burns AUM Audio · AUM History Professor Keith Krawczynski is interviewed by comm. student Christa Burns In the early 1950s, shortly after the Korean War, an Alabama veteran who was blinded  by a grenade explosion visited a river in Mississippi. While there, he noticed a couple of teenage girls swimming who suddenly began crying out for help. Despite being the only person on shore  and facing his own blindness, he jumped into the water and swam to their rescue. He ultimately succeeded in saving the girls and was later honored…
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Behind the camera with Frank Williams

Behind the camera with Frank Williams

Headshot of Auburn University at Montgomery’s photographer of 36 years, Frank Williams. Photo Courtesy of AUM's website. By: Tasker Wheeler AUM Audio · AUM chief photographer Frank Williams is interviewed by Tasker Wheeler for feature story Not a day goes by that is not captured by a photo. A photo locked in time, a memorycreated through millions of pixels and one click. Pure talent, nurtured by patience and practice,is required for this reputable position. A photography position managed by one mega mind, onekind, and one selfless person. Pictures are edited and produced by Frank Williams at AuburnUniversity at Montgomery and…
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The importance of student advisors 

The importance of student advisors 

From AUM graduate to academic advisor, Hillary Porter has found her calling By: Nia Carter Having someone who cares about your education as much as students or their parents do  is important when students are heading to college or even when they are in college, and they are  not sure what to major in.  AUM academic advisor Hillary Porter is pictured in a recent headshot. Photo courtesy of Porter. That is what advising and recruiting coordinator Hillary Porter strives  to do when advising students here at Auburn University at Montgomery in the Department of College of Liberal Arts and Social…
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Trailblazer at AUM: COMM professor makes waves with achievements 

Trailblazer at AUM: COMM professor makes waves with achievements 

Pictured from left to right are Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor Mrinal Varma, distinguished lecturer Charles Livings and Chancellor Carl Stockton at the 2019 Chancellor's Convocation. Photo courtesy of Frank Williams. By: Trace Espinosa AUM Audio · AUM Public Speaking professor Charles Livings is interviewed by Comm. student Trace Espinosa Growing up in the outskirts of Alabama, Charles Livings has grown up surrounded by important  leaders with a strong sense of resilience in terms of work ethics along with a commitment to others,  which can best be summed up by the phrase “no one left behind.” His upbringing is characterized…
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Playing the game how it needs to be played: Keeping athletes from concussions in contact sports

Playing the game how it needs to be played: Keeping athletes from concussions in contact sports

By: J'Marco Smith AUM Audio · Katherine Clark talks about her goal keeping athletes strong on and off the sideline MONTGOMERY, Ala. Sept. 4 – Athletic trainers play a vital role in the prevention and treatment of athlete injuries, and are often the first responders when an incident occurs on the field. One Auburn University at Montgomery athletic trainer’s goal is to keep athletes strong on and off the sideline.   AUM assistant athletic trainer Katherine Clark was interviewed about concerns of injuries, such as concussions. “A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that can significantly impact athletes’ ability to participate…
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“If you are interested in it, pursue it!”

“If you are interested in it, pursue it!”

Associate Professor and Department chair, Kimberly Pyszka, is shown in her faculty profile. (Courtesy of AUM's website) Associate Professor of Anthropology, Kimberly Pyszka shares her story. By: Anna Grace Tompkins MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Auburn University at Montgomery’s own Kimberly Pyszkatalks about her academic career and gives us a look into landscape archaeology, as well assharing fun stories about Anthropology as a whole and talks environmental challenges that goalong with her profession. Pyszka wears many hats, she is the department chair of sociology, anthropology andsocial work, as well as an associate professor at AUM and a published author. Pyszka teachesmany anthropology-based…
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Behind the badge: Chief Brenda Mitchell’s commitment to safety and mentorship

Behind the badge: Chief Brenda Mitchell’s commitment to safety and mentorship

Pictured is Chief Brenda Mitchell, the chief of police at Auburn University at Montgomery.  By: Kniya Potts MONTGOMERY, Ala.---Auburn University at Montgomery’s very own Chief BrendaMitchell is absolutely the heart of the university. Mitchell is distinguished by her position andsteadfast commitment and vision. I had the honor of speaking with Chief Mitchell about herincredible career, her crucial role, and her motivating outlook for the university’s future. reported some interesting facts about Michell's remarkable career and achievements. Chief Mitchell is a career law enforcement officer who obtained her criminal law degree in criminal justice, in 1985. Fromthere, Mitchell later joined the…
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Protecting the future of the eastern small-footed bat 

Protecting the future of the eastern small-footed bat 

Photo Courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service AUM’s biology professor Matthew Grilliot shares his experiences researching these bats By: Kate Lindsey-Hunter AUM Audio · AUM Biology Professor Grilliot Environmental Opportunist is interviewed by Kate Lindsey-Hunter Not only do the peaceful cliffs of northern Alabama hide breathtaking scenery, but they also protect one of the rarest animals on the planet. An elusive species of bat lives up among the rocks, unnoticeable but vital to the environment it inhabits, according to one of Auburn University at Montgomery’s professors.  AUM’s experienced biology professor and environmental opportunist Matthew Grilliot has spent a significant portion of…
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From Seoul to four degrees

From Seoul to four degrees

Pictured is Eunyoung Kim graduating from the University of Alabama with her doctorate in December 2016.  AUM professor Eunyoung Kim sheds light on her educational journey By: Maya Thompson MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Moving from Seoul, South Korea with a population of over nine million people to Alabama can be a difficult adjustment. This rings true for Associate Professor Eunyoung Kim who teaches for the Department of Communication and Theatre at Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM).  In September, Kim was interviewed about how she got to where she is today as an educator while being from a different country. She was born on May 20,…
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Book challenges reach new heights in Alabama

Book challenges reach new heights in Alabama

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — With Governor Kay Ivey’s recent changes to the Alabama Public Library Service (APLS) code, several libraries across the state of Alabama have made major changes to their cataloging process in hopes of appeasing parents concerned about inappropriate materials accessible for children.  Efforts to control what kinds of information can be found in libraries have now expanded into Alabama legislation. Governor Ivey proposed changes to the APLS code that went into effect in July of this year that essentially mandates libraries to establish policies that prohibit any inappropriate materials from being accessible to minors or they will be…
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“Think before you click: Unlocking the power of media literacy”

“Think before you click: Unlocking the power of media literacy”

COMM students host Dark Money documentary event to kick off inaugural media literacy campaign at AUM By: Christa Burns and Maya Thompson MONTGOMERY, Ala. — This week communications students are hosting an inaugural media literacy campaign "Think Before You Click" at AUM with a series of engaging events designed to help students better their media literacy skills. “With the prevalence of social media in today’s times it is crucial to be knowledgeable on the topic of media literacy. Most students rely on Instagram and TikTok for a big portion of their news. This is why media literacy is so important…
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