Sunday, May 19

Tag: History

The History of Christmas Trees

The History of Christmas Trees

BY: Molly Gray It is getting close to the time of year in which you will start putting up your Christmas tree to get you in the Christmas spirit. One thing you probably do not do is wonder where the Christmas tree tradition started. The fact is that there are many different theories about Christmas tree origins. Here is the history of Christmas trees. Evergreen trees were used for many years by Pagans to celebrate winter festivals. Some would even use the branches to decorate their homes for the winter solstice. Though the official time period when Fir trees were used for Christmas trees is unknown, Northern Europeans were known to hang the trees upside down from the ceiling as their Christmas trees more than 1000 years ago. Both Estonia and Latvia claim that they had the first Chri...
The History of Halloween

The History of Halloween

BY: Molly Gray It’s the time of year to get spooky! The time to be yourself, dress up, and have fun. Halloween fanatics Kevin Maggard and Alex McCord agree that Halloween is even a time to be a little weird. “I’m weird, but for a whole month, everyone is weird,” says Kevin Maggard. Alex McCord says, “Halloween gives you a chance to embrace your weirdness and be yourself.” So, where did all this fun and weirdness come from?  The Halloween tradition goes back to an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain. The festival celebrated the end of the year and the beginning of winter. The Celts believed that winter was associated with death. They believed that October 31 was when ghosts came back to earth. Druids or Celtic priests would build bonfires during the festival in order to give ...