
Battling Depression in College

Battling Depression in College

BY: Taniya Frazier College comes with a lot of new experiences, challenges, and adventures. However, there is one thing that creeps up on college students that no one wants, depression. A dark cloud that can ruin a person’s outlook and hovers over everything. College students are like gymnasts. We have to juggle academics, a social life, and work. We have to handle everything as if we are on a balance beam. If one part of your life becomes too heavy, you are at a risk of falling. If another part of your life isn’t equally balanced, how are you going…
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Midterms Are Around the Corner: Are You Ready?

Midterms Are Around the Corner: Are You Ready?

BY: Taniya Frazier February has come and gone. Now is the time that college students everywhere dread. Midterms are coming. Midterms are a sign of progress and a benchmark. You have completed half of the semester so far. This time should excite you, but the sight of exams are a bummer. You should be well prepared for the upcoming tests and quizzes. If you’re not, don’t worry. I’m sure these tips will help you along the way. Surviving midterms are all about balance. You have to prioritize your time academically, socially, and mentally. Academically, it would be wise to review…
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Weekly Life Hacks: Screwdrivers

Weekly Life Hacks: Screwdrivers

BY: Ambria Davis The flathead and Phillips head are used as tool to help construct products and projects whenever it is needed. The screwdriver or a ‘turnscrew’ was first mentioned in the 1500’s in Germany, yet it became popular in the 1700’s in England. It is described as a “refined tool” with a pear-shaped handle, shaft and head. Soon, screws began to replace nails due to companies manufacturing products. Its function is to tighten and release bolts and screws. There are several types of screwdrivers, however, only two screwdrivers will be distinguished today: flathead and Phillips head. The flathead screwdriver…
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Why Do Different Bottled Water Brands Taste Different?

Why Do Different Bottled Water Brands Taste Different?

BY: Ambria Davis Bottled water brands taste different for many people because of how they are filtered and/or purified. Why do different bottled water brands taste completely different from each other? The different taste or flavor comes from where the water comes from. This determines the mineral or chalky taste that some have as the water passes through the different layers of limestone deep underground. To include, many bottled water brand companies will add other minerals to enhance the taste, yet this does or does not mean it will taste good. The most bought water bottle brands are Aquafina, Dasani,…
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The Story of How My Goldfish Raised My GPA

The Story of How My Goldfish Raised My GPA

BY: Ambria Davis To start off, I was not doing so well in school and I was doing everything possible to pass certain classes. As a result, this brought my mental health down. To combat that, I painted, took photographs, went to the gym, hung out with friends and had a job. No matter how many times I socialized; I was still lonely. I had a ton of support from my family and friends, but I had lost my encouragement. I was stuck in a depression like state which I began to realize was not helping my mental state. By…
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Kodi’s Cinema Criteria

Kodi’s Cinema Criteria

Dear Reader: As the title suggests, I plan on tackling the role of “movie critic” here at the Aumnibus for the remainder of my last semester at AUM. I do not intend for all of you to agree with the words I type, nor do I expect to follow in the footsteps of my predecessor Olivia Crutchfield. These features I write will be based on my own experience and knowledge. Those who know me, know I tend to fall behind on series such as this, but I write this letter to you as a means to fulfill my promise to…
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The Importance of Black History Month

The Importance of Black History Month

BY: Taniya Frazier February as we all know is Black History Month. However, February is the most important month from a black person’s point of view. Not many people will believe that, but it’s true. For some, it’s the only month that matters. Throughout the year, black people are given grief for simply being a color. A hairstyle is ‘too black.’ A person’s personality is ‘too black.’ An idea is ‘too black.’ However, in February that doesn’t matter. Black people can boldly and proudly display their culture, background and heritage. This month, I have attempted to go to many events…
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AUM Campus Cats

AUM Campus Cats

By Ambria Davis There are many animals all over the AUM campus, from various species of birds, squirrels, insects, a herd of deer, to the occasional opossum. However, there is a family of feral cats that takes residence outside the housing buildings. Since the time I started attending AUM, I’ve seen many feral cats throughout the campus and even a stray dog last year. I never seen a problem with the cats, since they stay a decent distance away. I do understand that they are a potential threat for rabies and other diseases that they can transfer to humans. Additionally,…
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Weekly Life Hacks: Dryer Sheets

Weekly Life Hacks: Dryer Sheets

BY: Ambria Davis Dryer sheets are mainly used to remove static and freshen clothes when you put them in the dryer; however, you can use these sheets for other hacks in life. The dryer sheet was invented in 1970 as a way to soften and improve the comfort of clothes. It helps against static. During that time, they were only used for the dryer machines. Now, they are used in several different ways around the home. When you place one or two at the bottom of your trash can, you will eliminate the odor of the trash can and you…
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Valentine’s Day Treats That Are Better Than Chocolate

Valentine’s Day Treats That Are Better Than Chocolate

BY: Brittany Vallely Each year people tend to buy the same treats on Valentine’s Day: chocolate, flowers, and Hallmark cards. Instead of visiting the grocery store, check out the menu at the local fast food restaurants.   Many food chain restaurants are getting into the romantic spirt, and if you or your significant other are trying to find ways to make Valentine’s Day a little bit sweeter then here are some treats that can be found in your area. Chick-Fil-A If you are not a chocolate fan then this is the treat for you. Chick-Fil-A is selling their famous chicken…
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How to Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

How to Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

BY: Brittany Vallely The New Year has begun and millions of people are working on their resolution to become the best version of themselves, but how long does the average person stay dedicated to their resolution? According to Business Insider, about 80 percent of people will fail their New Year’s resolutions by February. The reason why is because a person feels too busy or they simply give up because they do not feel committed to the task, and then tell themselves they will try again next year. Whether the goal is fitness, financial stability, or spirituality, the only way to…
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Featured Features: Ralph Breaks the Internet

Featured Features: Ralph Breaks the Internet

Full of opinions, but free of spoilers. Our good friend Ralph from Wreck It Ralph is back, he’s breaking the internet, and everyone (including me) is so happy that he is! Wreck It Ralph includes a star-studded cast with names you are all too familiar with and names you love. Even though this is considered to be a children’s movie, anyone can surely enjoy it. The one thing that really stuck out to me with this film was the animation. Each character moved and reacted like a real person. The facial expressions, the body postures, the hand gestures-  everything was believable…
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Featured Features: Widows

Featured Features: Widows

Full of opinions, but free of spoilers. I have been waiting for this movie since I saw the very first trailer because it shows powerful women kicking butt and taking names. Widows is a movie jammed packed with strong women, crime, and sabotage, seriously what more do you want from a film? One thing I appreciated about this film is that it got to the main point of the film pretty quickly. We find out why these women are teaming up pretty early on, it takes you straight to the catalyst that drives the plot which I thoroughly enjoy. One…
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Featured Features: The Grinch

Featured Features: The Grinch

Full of opinions, but free of spoilers. November is finally here and the hot days have officially been replaced with much cooler ones, so that only means one thing: Christmas movies! Christmas festivities are already taking place and while some embrace the premature celebrations and décor, others look down upon the early hoopla. The latter are sometimes known as a Grinch. You may identify with the frustrations of people practically overlooking Thanksgiving and going straight to Christmas decorations as soon as Halloween ones come down. But, there’s a story by our good friend Dr. Seuss about a creature who hates…
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How to Gradually Get Better at Waking up in the Morning

How to Gradually Get Better at Waking up in the Morning

BY: Savanna Sabb I don’t know about you, but the hardest part of my day is waking up. When the alarm jolts me out of my deep sleep, I’m quickly reminded that I’m an adult. Which means it’s time for me to start “adulting” for the day. That is something I still haven’t gotten the hang of, but that is for another article for another day. I can’t even begin to adult if I’m having such a difficult time dragging myself out of bed. I’m one of those who hits the snooze button at least once every morning, and judging by…
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Test Taking… Can I Catch a Break?

Test Taking… Can I Catch a Break?

BY: D’Cara Hood Tests are a fact of life for us kids in school. Exams help teachers and professors gauge your progress, and measure skills. Exams can also be used as a pointer to areas where improvement can be made. Exams can cause mayhem and stress you out beyond measure. Growing up as a child in grade school and throughout your high school years, you thought tests were a thing of the past. Once you got to college, it was like reliving a bad dream, one where tests came back to haunt you. Even as adults, many of us have…
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Suicide Awareness

Suicide Awareness

BY: Kaleria Jackson Suicide has previously been known to be taboo, but now it is a known trending topic: #suicidepreventation. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for ages 15-24 in Alabama. Through the changes and stress teens and young adults experience, this is not uncommon for this age group. On average, there is one person that dies by suicide every 11 hours in the state of Alabama. With suicide being one of the leading causes of death in Alabama, we should at least know the signs and risk factors of someone contemplating suicide. People with mental illnesses are…
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Do Pets Improve the Quality of Life?

Do Pets Improve the Quality of Life?

BY: Kaleria Jackson My dog has brought me unexplained happiness since she came into my life. I have a four-year-old Maltese named Keke. My dog is literally my life. The older she gets, the more I have acknowledged that she has an attachment to me and my family members. I think she notices that I have formed an attachment to her as well. Regardless of my relationship with my dog, she has improved the quality of my life. I believe that pets can improve the quality of your life. There are a few ways that pets can improve the quality…
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An Unlikely Friendship: How a Conservative and Liberal Became the Best of Friends

An Unlikely Friendship: How a Conservative and Liberal Became the Best of Friends

BY: Chelsea Bassett Currently, this nation seems to be more divided than it has ever been. Specifically, the 2016 Presidential election has left this country in a state of constant disagreement between extremists on both sides of the political spectrum. Unfortunately, with the recent midterms, the country hasn’t had much time to recover from the political mess that both the radical “lefties and righties” have left for us to clean up. In a country that has a people so hell-bent on tearing each other a part, it’s hard to find a place to evade the political backlash we see and…
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Actor Spotlight: Kodi Robertson

Actor Spotlight: Kodi Robertson

BY: Olivia Crutchfield The thing you become passionate about over the course of your life may have been something you never would have thought in a million years would soon be a part of who you are as a person. With the help of encouraging parents and the universe placing you exactly where you need to be at that moment, you can be surprised as to how your path changes instantly. Kodi Robertson is no stranger to the stage or entertaining people. For Robertson, acting and theatre was his way out of a predictable future. Robertson not only realizes how…
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