Tuesday, April 30

How to Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

BY: Brittany Vallely

The New Year has begun and millions of people are working on their resolution to become the best version of themselves, but how long does the average person stay dedicated to their resolution?

According to Business Insider, about 80 percent of people will fail their New Year’s resolutions by February.

The reason why is because a person feels too busy or they simply give up because they do not feel committed to the task, and then tell themselves they will try again next year.

Whether the goal is fitness, financial stability, or spirituality, the only way to make the ultimate change in your life are those little reminders to help you keep going. Here are some tips to help you reach your goals in 2019.

Do not focus on the outcome.

People tend to fantasize about their dreams and motivate themselves by thinking how great their life would look if they achieved their resolution. However, no one looks at the middle of the journey.  Do not focus on the final product because every transformation takes time. You might tell yourself “It’s been two months, I should have lost 10 lbs. by now.” Instead, tell yourself, “Look at how far I have come.” Even if you only worked out or worshiped for 20 minutes for the day, at least you are trying.  Putting in some work is better than nothing at all.

It is also good to pace yourself so you will have energy for the next day. Do not try to overwork yourself because then your goal will end up feeling like a job. Taking small steps is considered part of progression and you want to make sure you have enough energy for the next day. Prepare yourself by setting a time limit, creating a schedule, and finding plans that you like to help you get in a routine.   Just remember that everyone needs a break and that you should reward yourself because working towards your goal should not make you feel overwhelmed. Anxiety is what stops people from moving forward. Having a piece of chocolate is ok, taking a rest day is ok, and buying something nice is ok. The point is to not overdo it every day. Reward yourself and then get back on track. The goal is to not give up on your vision. Eventually, you will start seeing results and it is the best feeling ever.


Challenging yourself is not a bad thing, if you feel like you have enough energy then you should push yourself to go further. Just make sure you are not putting yourself down when times get tough. It is important to be in a good state of mind as you are working. Looking for motivation is a good tool to stay on track. For instance, listening to influential friends, reading or watching encouraging stories, or even viewing pictures to stir energy, all help with motivation. However, be sure to be looking for inspiration not comparison. Do not compare yourself to others because that can also cause anxiety. Focus on self-love and remember that you are working hard for your own happiness and not others. Be sure to ask yourself will this transformation give me the confidence, strength, and peace of mind that I need.


Another question to ask yourself is who is supporting me?

Losing weight, receiving a job offer, getting an education, or letting go of your past is not an easy thing to do. If these things were easy, everyone would do it. More than likely the people who have had reached their New Year’s resolution will say that they could not have done it without help from friends or family. It is vital to go ask people for help and surround yourself with a community that wants to see you succeed. They can help make your transformation easier by giving you advice that will guide you in the right direction. The more knowledge you have the better because knowledge is power. I used to think that I wanted everyone to think that I have my life together and no one needs to know my struggles. However, I made more friends and made better choices when I would open up about my goals in life to people. Think about this: Haven’t you ever heard do not worry what other people think? It is ok to open up because that makes you more relatable and then people will grow closer to you. Everyone needs a good support system because you might find a work out partner, a best friend, or even your one true love by showing you are a normal person with hopes and dreams.

These tips are more of mental purposes because part of making a transformation is not all physical. Half of the journey is a mental process that pushes you to keep going.

It is important to try and put your energy out into the world, but a positive outlook is also a choice we all have to make.

Look at how far you’ve come, keep practicing because you love yourself, and make sure you have good people by your side. Make this year the best one yet because this is the year that negativity and fear no longer controls you.