Saturday, May 18

Midterms Are Around the Corner: Are You Ready?

BY: Taniya Frazier

February has come and gone. Now is the time that college students everywhere dread. Midterms are coming. Midterms are a sign of progress and a benchmark. You have completed half of the semester so far. This time should excite you, but the sight of exams are a bummer.

You should be well prepared for the upcoming tests and quizzes. If you’re not, don’t worry. I’m sure these tips will help you along the way. Surviving midterms are all about balance. You have to prioritize your time academically, socially, and mentally. Academically, it would be wise to review all the content or information that you have learned in the course. Reviewing your course material will allow you to ace your midterms. Socially, it would be best to use your contacts as resources for studying and practice quizzes. Classmates and friends can help make studying fun and active. Mentally, this would be the time to get as much sleep as you can and eat properly.

Midterms require a lot of mental and physical activity. During this time, it will help to plan your studying time accordingly. Don’t try to squeeze in studying the night before. This method doesn’t turn out as well as students predict. Studying 24/7 is also not healthy. Everyone needs a break. You can relax your mind by attending an event on campus. Around this time, there are always de-stress events happening on campus. Last semester, the campus had dogs to visit so that students could ‘pet’ their stress away. This semester, there are a variety of activities for students to participate in like painting, karaoke night, talk sessions, and social hours. Go ahead and give your essay hands a break. With planning your time and focus the right way, you will be more than ready for any midterm that comes your way.