Monday, April 29

Test Taking… Can I Catch a Break?

BY: D’Cara Hood

Tests are a fact of life for us kids in school. Exams help teachers and professors gauge your progress, and measure skills. Exams can also be used as a pointer to areas where improvement can be made. Exams can cause mayhem and stress you out beyond measure.

Growing up as a child in grade school and throughout your high school years, you thought tests were a thing of the past. Once you got to college, it was like reliving a bad dream, one where tests came back to haunt you. Even as adults, many of us have test anxiety, or have to cope with the fact that you may not be a great test taker. Clammy hands, heart racing, the feeling like you have forgotten everything you just studied for- that my friends is test anxiety!  So, let us talk on how to conquer this test taking thing.

Before the test:

  1. Preparation is the key to any test.
  2. Avoid cramming- study bit by bit.
  3. Review any practice test.

On the day of the test:

  1. Have a great breakfast.
  2. Listen closely to all verbal instructions.
  3. Scan the entire test for questions you definitely know the answer to.
  4. Jot down memory aids.

After the test:

  1. Review the test if it is given back to you.
  2. Look for patterns in error.

Remember that the best study tool is to study. Make yourself familiar with what you need to know for the test. When you feel confident in your test taking skills, you will be able to ace that test. Knowing the test instead of just taking the test will lead to less anxiety, and you will be able to focus on the test at hand.