Aumnibus Staff

540 Posts
Featured Features: The Nun

Featured Features: The Nun

Full of opinions, but free of spoilers. The latest feature to come out in the megaplex was the highly anticipated spooky movie, The Nun. The Nun follows the origin story of our good pal, Valak. Sister Valak made her first appearance in s hared universe The Conjuring 2, when she appeared for our favorite ghost hunter, Lorraine Warren. Valak undeniably made a lot of hearts stop and eyes hide behind fingers in her big screen debut, so the likelihood of her getting her own movie was very strong from the get go. When the news broke that Valak was getting…
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Featured Features – A Simple Favor

Featured Features – A Simple Favor

Full of opinions, but free of spoilers. This weekend came with the release of A Simple Favor starring, the Tony award-winning, Anna Kendrick as Stephanie, Blake Lively as Emily and Harry Golding, from Crazy Rich Asians (if you haven’t seen CRA go now) as Sean. So, the trailer for A Simple Favor offers you one small detail about the movie, that Emily is missing and no one can figure out where she went to. The trailer also paints a vague picture that the film might be a horror-esc movie? At least that’s what it insinuated to me. What you don’t…
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AUM’s Homecoming Queen Competes in Miss Black USA

AUM’s Homecoming Queen Competes in Miss Black USA

BY: Brittany Vallely Kelli Abernathy, AUM’s 2018 Homecoming Queen, went to her first national pageant this past August for the Miss Black USA pageant in Washington D.C., and won first runner-up. Miss Black USA is a non-profit corporation that provides scholarship opportunities and gives women the chance to shine on stage in their own unique way. Abernathy has been an experienced pageant competitor and queen for quite some time. She was the first African American crowned Miss Clay Chalkville Outstanding Teen in 2012, and the first black Homecoming Queen at her high school. After that, Abernathy felt ready to take pageantry…
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Top 3 Trends That Have Taken Over Social Media

Top 3 Trends That Have Taken Over Social Media

BY: Savanna Sabb Trends come and go so fast before any of us even have a chance to catch on or determine if we like them or not. As college students, most of us are not as much in the loop because we are too busy trying to keep our GPA on the right track rather than worry about the latest dance challenge that has been swarming the internet. I took the liberty in researching what trends have been popular lately because scrolling through my Instagram feed and not having any idea of what the latest memes mean or why…
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Female Voices in Theatre

Female Voices in Theatre

BY: Olivia Crutchfield Theatre AUM’s first production of the 2018-2019 season is in full swing, and like previous years it’s being kicked off with a showcase. The showcases are a compilation of scenes and monologues from various plays all regarding a certain theme. This years’ showcase is showcasing monologues and scenes all written by women; Female Voices. The underrepresentation of women is evident in many industries, and unfortunately theatre is an industry where women have also been forgotten or completely misrepresented in works. Studies and numbers can clearly show how great the gap is between men and women. Although these…
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Tips For Nailing Your Next Interview

Tips For Nailing Your Next Interview

BY: Chelsea Bassett Interviews can be extremely nerve-racking and incredibly frustrating, especially if you feel like you’re overwhelmingly underprepared. However there are some simple and effective steps one can take to make sure they nail their next interview. The following are commonly known as the Three C’s of a job interview and should be able to be answered before any job interview that you have according to Competence: Do you have the capability, skills, knowledge, and experience to not only accomplish the job, but accomplish it well? Compatibility: Will you make a good fit for the company and share…
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Making the Grade!

Making the Grade!

BY: D’Cara Hood Have you ever wondered what hard work looks like? What continuous all-nighters, one million late night Starbucks runs, and countless cups of noodles equals? That my friends is the dean’s list. The dean’s list is a familiar term to college and university students all over. The dean’s list, is an academic award or notation used to recognize the highest level of scholarship. When you have worked so hard throughout the semester to maintain your sanity, while also trying to have a social life. To receive that letter in the mail that could come to you as a…
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Companies Founded by College Students

Companies Founded by College Students

BY: Chelsea Bassett It’s no secret that top companies like Facebook, Microsoft, and Google make millions of dollars a year; however, these companies share more than just fat paychecks. Every single one of these companies were started by college students. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975 and Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998. It seems that other college students have followed suit by exploring their entrepreneurial side. The following is a list of five companies that were recently founded by college students. 1. Karina Pikhart—Massachusetts Institute of Technology,…
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How to Amp Up Your Ramen Noodles

How to Amp Up Your Ramen Noodles

BY: Savanna Sabb For college students, ramen has always been that go to meal. It’s cheap and very fast to cook which is perfect for college students considering we have very little time to spare and also the cheaper route is always the better route. Because ramen is so cheap and easy to cook, it’s hard not to eat it whenever we need something fast. There is a downside to ramen though it can be a bit redundant and boring. If it’s eaten the basic way with only the ramen packet that is provided. There are plenty of other ingredients…
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AUM Hosts First Hot Topics Café Event of the Semester

AUM Hosts First Hot Topics Café Event of the Semester

Montgomery, AL - Sept. 26, 2018- Last night AUM’s Housing and Residence Life kicked off the semester with their first meeting of the famous Hot Topics Café series. Last night’s topic was: Legalize it? Students gathered to speak on various issues such as marijuana, immigration, guns etc. and whether they believed they should or shouldn’t be legal. The event was held at The Landing in The Nest. AUM has been hosting this series for about five years now and the moderator of the event, Christin LeJeune, says that they intentionally pick hot topics to speak about so that students may…
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AUM Women’s Volleyball Fall 2018

AUM Women’s Volleyball Fall 2018

BY: Kaleria Jackson The women’s volleyball team started the new fall season of 2018 on August 24th at the University of Alabama in Huntsville tournament. The two day event left the team with two losses and one win for that weekend. Since then the team has made up for those two losses. August 31st – September 1st was the AUM First Invitational for the volleyball team. The team won all three of their games. Next the Lady Warhawks went to the Huntingdon Tournament and won all four of their games. After the tournament the ladies went through a bit of a…
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AUM Stirs Social Media Debate

AUM Stirs Social Media Debate

BY: Brittany Vallely On August 28, 2018, Auburn University at Montgomery’s Physical Education Program started a social media debate on Facebook about inappropriate games and activities played in P.E. The post was a document from the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) suggesting how games such as Red Rover, Duck-Duck-Goose, and musical chairs, which are currently recommended, should no longer be allowed in Alabama schools. The post went viral overnight, but was taken down the next day at noon. The debate has even appeared on the local news, which mentions how AUM started the discussion. Some people in the comment…
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Ways to Travel on a Budget

Ways to Travel on a Budget

BY: Chelsea Bassett FIRST… RESEARCH, RESEARCH RESEARCH When getting ready to travel somewhere for the first time, it is always best to do a lot of research of the place before spending any money on flights, package deals or getting caught in tourist traps. It is also significantly cheaper to buy plane tickets well in advance instead of a month or so before traveling. Also, plan out the details of the trip in advance. Do you know if you want to go anywhere specifically while your there? How will you get there? Do you need to save for train or…
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Words from Audrey Hepburn | Another Side to the Beloved Icon

Words from Audrey Hepburn | Another Side to the Beloved Icon

BY: Chelsea Bassett Twenty-five years ago this world lost a beloved icon and true cinematic legend, Audrey Hepburn. However, Hepburn was much more than a beautiful face with a successful acting career. Very few know about the other side to Audrey Hepburn, the side that was just as true as you and me. Hepburn was a kind and truly sincere soul that was actually a huge humanitarian. She often spoke about how we should love others and be kind to everyone in her interviews. One of her most famous quotes was, “People, even more than things, have to be restored,…
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Female Voices Showcase 2018

Female Voices Showcase 2018

BY: Marcus Godbee Auburn University Montgomery’s theatre is producing a showcase called “Female Voices.” The showcase consists of scenes and monologues written female playwrights. The number of female playwrights has significantly increased in the past few decades. Theatre AUM wishes to showcase their talent. “Today, theatre companies are actively seeking new works written by women,” said Theatre Professor Val Winkelman. “It has been a great experience to research and revisit some well- known, classic favorites as well as to explore contemporary plays written by prominent female playwrights.” Some of the topics that the plays explore are puberty, romance sexuality, equality,…
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Social Media Targeting College Students

Social Media Targeting College Students

BY: Emily Mann Day by day, social media is growing larger. Individuals ages 18-29 are the prime users of social media databases. With further research being conducted, these media sites are beginning to purposely target college student with their videos and advertisements. With this demographic spending more time on the internet, they are more likely to participate in groups, click on video ads, and further research announcements seen on news feeds. Some franchises are taking steps even further to create features for college students only. Instagram has just announced a feature, just for college students, which is currently being tested.…
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Student Discounts

Student Discounts

BY: Emily Mann Living on a budget can be stressful. How much should you spend on food? How much money do you need for school supplies? Many students are not aware of the student discounts offered around Montgomery, Ala. Take advantage of your student status and save money. Using your Student ID can get you up to ten percent off food, free drinks, free shipping with online stores, and much more. One of the most expensive things about being in college is paying for the required textbooks and supplies. Amazon offers a membership, Amazon Prime Student, offering discounted items that…
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Alabama National Fair 2018

Alabama National Fair 2018

BY: D’Cara Hood The greater Montgomery area presents the 64th Alabama National Fair. To be held at the National Fairgrounds, 1555 Federal Drive, Montgomery, Ala. This is a time to come and let your inner kid out. Ten action packed days of midway rides, concerts, livestock, and competitions. There will be something for everyone no matter their age. The Alabama National Fair will be held September 28- October 8, 2018. So, mark your calendars and get ready for a good time. For more information regarding tickets, parking, and discount days visit or contact the National Fair grounds at 334-272-6831.…
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Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Hello, To be the 2018-2019 Editor- In-Chief for the Aumnibus is an AUMazing opportunity that I am grateful for. This year we are so excited to announce our transition to digital journalism. Our team has been working relentlessly trying to make this transition as smooth as possible. The end goal for our transition is that you will feel the newspaper is more accessible, and we can include more of the news you want to know, on the go. Here at the Aumnibus we pride ourselves on being the voice of the student body. We want your voices to be heard.…
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AUMfest is a university tradition that was started many years ago with the intention of being a fun all day event during the fall. In previous years AUMfest was planned to be a fall festival, but this year's theme is a Luau. AUMfest will be Sept. 26, 2018, from 7-10 p.m. The intended audience for this event is the student body. The goal of this event is to engage new students, continuing and transfer students through fun activities and so that they can gain exposure to The Campus Activities Board (CAB). Hopefully after attending this event students will be open…
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