Monday, May 13

Making the Grade!

BY: D’Cara Hood

Have you ever wondered what hard work looks like? What continuous all-nighters, one million late night Starbucks runs, and countless cups of noodles equals? That my friends is the dean’s list.

The dean’s list is a familiar term to college and university students all over. The dean’s list, is an academic award or notation used to recognize the highest level of scholarship. When you have worked so hard throughout the semester to maintain your sanity, while also trying to have a social life. To receive that letter in the mail that could come to you as a surprise. In my case it was a total shocker, but worth the wait yes it was. Here are my top three reasons why making the dean’s list should be on your collegiate bucket list.

Reason one: It gives you a sense of personal achievement. Making the dean’s list is not solely based on your GPA. It is awarded in collaboration with your GPA, but also with comprehensive performance in a given semester. So, in other words if your peers are top scorers that means you have now topped that. Give yourself a pat on the back, for being among that five percent of college students.

Reason two: Prestige and recognition. Who does not like a little spotlight every now and again. If all the special invitations are not enough, being on the dean’s list gets you into to some cool events also.

Reason three (which is my personal favorite): Increasing your employability factor. Ultimately, study and go to class to get the job of our dreams. While just making the dean’s list and good grades is not the sole determinant to getting an excellent job it does play a key factor. There are other determine factors, like leadership, personality, and a strong portfolio. While making the dean’s list is something exciting and a memory to go in the record books. The most important thing to do is to recognize your achievement and never sell yourself short of anything except being great. Now it is your turn, how do you stack up?