Aumnibus Staff

387 Posts
Auburn University at Montgomery hosted its Alumni Tailgate last weekend

Auburn University at Montgomery hosted its Alumni Tailgate last weekend

By: Lex Wedgworth Last Saturday, April 22, 2023, Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) hosted past alumni and their families for a tailgate at the baseball game against Valdosta State University (VSU). The event provided alumni with an opportunity to reconnect with their AUM community and support the Warhawks. The tailgate was held on the fan deck of the AUM Baseball Complex, and lunch was included. Families had to register to participate in the event. The AUM alumni tailgate started at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time. People attended the event for various reasons, such as the sense of community, the organization…
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AUM Women’s and Men’s Tennis Teams Continue to GSC Championships After Impressive Season

AUM Women’s and Men’s Tennis Teams Continue to GSC Championships After Impressive Season

By: Deshala Wilkins The Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) tennis program has experienced a great season this school year. Both the men’s and women's teams had phenomenal wins and opportunities. On March 26, 2023, the tennis program partnered up with the Dream Court Montgomery during the women’s and men’s match against Gulf South Conference (GSC) rivals Delta State. The Dream Court is a non-profit organization that provides a tennis program for people who have mental and physical disabilities. The focus of this organization is to have fun while learning how to play tennis, “Serving Hope, Changing Lives” is their motto. They…
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<strong>Survey or Spam?</strong>

Survey or Spam?

By: Emma Keith Have you been receiving countless emails about a survey? Do you keep deleting spam emails and sending them to the trash? While that normally is the case Auburn University Montgomery (AUM)  has been sending out emails recently about the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey (SSI) , a survey in which students are asked questions about their satisfaction with student services. Students can click the link in their email, answer a few questions and leave their honest responses on how the school is doing in serving students all while remaining anonymous. In the email, the title reads “We want…
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<strong>Auburn University at Montgomery’s TikTok Ban and its Effects on Students</strong>

Auburn University at Montgomery’s TikTok Ban and its Effects on Students

By: Lex Wedgworth On Dec. 12, 2022 Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey announced the ban of TikTok on state devices and networks. “Protecting Alabamians’ right to privacy is a must, and I surely don’t take a security threat from China lightly” said the Gov. Ivey on Twitter. Shortly after, Auburn University, along with its sister schools Southern Union State Community College (SUSCC) and Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM), also banned the mobile app on its university Wi-Fi and on-campus housing. This all went down last year when federal officials called the app a national security threat. Now with Spring semester underway,…
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Editorial: The Purpose of Internships

Editorial: The Purpose of Internships

Internships are preparations for the real job. The purpose of the internship is to gain experience. A lot of times “real” jobs require some type of experience as their qualifications. Some majors request an internship at Auburn University of Montgomery (AUM). Speaking from my own experience, my internship was the best job I have ever had in my life. I fully enjoyed my internship because it really has prepared me for a job. I actually got the full experience for my major/degree. Having my internship also prepped me for what attire to wear on different occasions. Every day we dress…
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Editorial: The Importance of Advising

Editorial: The Importance of Advising

Auburn University of Montgomery students, it is time for you all to sign up for the Spring and Fall Semesters. You can check with your advisors or got to AUM website to schedule an advising appointment. All students are strongly encouraged to have all advisory documents copied. Once they are copied, I encourage you to keep all documents together. Be sure to keep track of your classes yourself. Make sure that you ask your advisors what classes are offered only once a school year or certain semesters. Ask advisors what organizations are a part of your major to keep…
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Professors ‘N Pajamas Spring 2018

Professors ‘N Pajamas Spring 2018

The Housing and Residence Life at Auburn University at Montgomery will host their annual end of the semester event, professors and pajamas. Professors and pajamas is an evening study session held before finals. Students are invited to bring their books, wear their pajamas, and enjoy a night of food, fun, prizes and test preparation. Professors are on hand to lend additional support in their respective areas of study. The event will be April 25th, 2018 from 8-11 PM inside the Taylor Center rooms 221-223 and 230. The dress attire is comfortable, casual and pajamas are welcomed. This event is free…
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NSLS Induction Ceremony 2018

NSLS Induction Ceremony 2018

The National Society for Leadership and Success chapter at Auburn University at Montgomery will be having an honor society induction ceremony for members who have completed the steps of the program. The NSLS chapter at AUM induction ceremony will be Friday, April 27th, 2018 in Moore Hall (Nursing School), Room 106 Auditorium from 6:00pm – 8:00 pm. You will have to RSVP for this event, the seat limit is 150 people including one guest per inductee. The dress code is business casual, shorts, jeans or t-shirts is not allowed. Members are expected to be there at 5pm to be seated.…
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Campus Activities Board to Host Escape Room

Campus Activities Board to Host Escape Room

The Campus Activities Board at Auburn University at Montgomery will have the Escape Room come to campus which is the last big event CAB is sponsoring for the Spring 2018 semester. CAB is bringing the breakout escape room to campus as a cool event for spring fest that will be a mysterious afternoon for students. The event will be April 25th in the Taylor Center room 230 from 12 pm - 2 pm. The target audience is the student body. There is no specific attire, individuals are encouraged to come as they are. This is a free event for students.…
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Warhawk Spotlight: D’Cara Hood

Warhawk Spotlight: D’Cara Hood

D’Cara Hood, a senior at AUM, will be graduating in the upcoming Fall Semester. She is majoring in communication. She decided to attend college, because she enjoys the challenge and believes she can handle anything the world puts in front of her. Hood chose her major, because she always wanted to cover Saturdays in the South, on game day. She graduated from an all magnet broadcast journalism high school, which made her love the camera even more! Here at AUM, she is involved in Student Government Association, Successful Warhawk Orientation and Transition’s Team (SWOT) Orange Jacket Society, Peer Advocate mentor,…
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“Measure for Measure” Shows Theater Excellence

“Measure for Measure” Shows Theater Excellence

Guest starring Neil David Seibel and Sarah Walker Thornton of the Actors’ Equity Association, Michael Winkelman’s production of Measure for Measure tells the story of Isabella, a chaste, young woman and devoted sister aspiring to become a nun, and Angelo, a hypocritical, unmerciful deputy of the law. We are introduced to our characters and the town of Vienna—rife with debauchery—by Duke Vincentio (David Wilson), who has decided to pose as a friar to learn what the townsfolk really think of him. In his absence, he leaves Angelo (Neil David Seibel) to enforce the law, and Angelo’s first act is to…
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AUM Actor Spotlight: Jonathan Meinsler

AUM Actor Spotlight: Jonathan Meinsler

Jonathan Meinsler is finishing up his time at AUM and is no stranger to the stage or backstage at Theatre AUM. Jonathan has been a part of every single show in some way since 2015. Some people find their calling or their “thing” later in life, but for Jonathan he discovered his love for theatre when he was only a child. “I remember being five, my mom and grandparents went to see Phantom of the Opera in Atlanta, they brought back the cast album and within three days I had memorized and was singing every song full out. So, I…
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AUM Tuition & Fees: Affordable?

AUM Tuition & Fees: Affordable?

Many Alabama universities and colleges might claim having affordable tuition, fees, or room and board for undergraduate students seeking their first degree, but what does affordable education really mean? Many Alabama universities and colleges might claim having affordable tuition, fees, or room and board for undergraduate students seeking their first degree, but what does this really mean? Is education in Alabama actually affordable? Are you actually getting your money’s worth attending Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM)? The Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) Annual Tuition and Required Fees Analysis for the academic year 2017-2018 (found at, reports that there…
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Academic Common Market: Helping College Graduates in Their Next Step

Academic Common Market: Helping College Graduates in Their Next Step

Many Auburn University at Montgomery graduating students are looking towards the next step in their education and career: graduate school; however, students may find that AUM does not have the right graduate program for them nor other universities in the state and the cost of out-of-state tuition is intimidating. That is why the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) partners with 16 Southern states through The Academic Common Market (ACM) to allow prospective graduate students “tuition-savings” opportunities to continue pursuing their life-long education along with undergraduates students as well. According to SREB, ACM allows students to enroll in out-of-state public colleges…
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Warhawk Spotlight: Cameron Brown

Warhawk Spotlight: Cameron Brown

Cameron Brown, a senior at AUM, will be graduating this May. He is majoring in marketing. Brown chose marketing because it is a very diverse field of career opportunities. He decided to go to college to further his education and start his journey as a young adult. According to Brown, college is all about choices and making conscious adult decisions. Here at AUM, Brown is a part of Sigma Alpha Pi (Honor Society Organization) and Fab Five Feeds the Needy (Organization started by True Divine Men’s Youth). Whenever he’s not busy being involved on campus, he loves to read in…
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Instructions for Spring Move-Out Day

Instructions for Spring Move-Out Day

All Auburn University at Montgomery students who live on campus have to be out of their dorms by 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 3, 2018. There are flyers posted in all housing facilities on each floor. There will be two ways to check out in your dorms, standard or express checkout. Standard Checkout you must use a signup sheet and schedule a time with your Resident Assistant (RA) 24 hours in advanced. Next, you and your roommate(s) must fill out the roommate checkout agreement. This form is to verify who is in charge to clean what part of the room…
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NSLS to Host Bake Sale for Autism Awareness

NSLS to Host Bake Sale for Autism Awareness

The National Society for Leadership and Success chapter at Auburn University at Montgomery will be having an Autism Awareness tabling accompanied by a bake sale. The NSLS chapter at AUM bake sale will be Thursday, April 19th, 2018 in front of Goodwyn Hall in the breezeway. The purpose of this awareness table is to provide valuable information to the student body about autism awareness in a way that is creative and interesting. The NSLS will also have a bake sale, the money will go towards assisting the chapter with future philanthropy projects. The target audience is the student body, faulty,…
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Sigma Gamma Rho Neophyte Presentation

Sigma Gamma Rho Neophyte Presentation

Sigma Gamma Rho, Sorority, Incorporated, “The Oh So Glam” Pi Lambda Chapter Neophyte Presentation Chartered November 1st, 2003 at Auburn University at Montgomery, the chapter recently made a grand return to campus Spring 2017. Sigma Gamma Rho, Sorority, Inc., “The Oh So Glam” Pi Lambda Chapter is proud to announce their upcoming Neophyte Presentation, The RHOyal Rebirth. Sigma Gamma Rho, Sorority, Incorporated, “The Oh So Glam” Pi Lambda Chapter released their highly anticipated flyer on social media about their upcoming neophyte presentation on April 12, 2018. The presentation will be held Thursday, April 19th, 2018 inside the AUM Taylor Center…
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Alpha Kappa Alpha Neophyte Presentation

Alpha Kappa Alpha Neophyte Presentation

After being off the yard for 3.5 years, The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Nu Xi Chapter is proud to announce their upcoming Neophyte Presentation, The Resurrektion of Nu Xi. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Nu Xi Chapter released their highly anticipated flyer on social media about their upcoming neophyte presentation on April 15, 2018. The presentation will be held Sunday, April 22, 2018 inside the Sidney Lanier gym located at 1756 S Court St. Montgomery, AL 36104. The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the new members of the organization to the community, their family and friends.…
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Warhawk Cup Golf Tournament to Be Held April 27

Warhawk Cup Golf Tournament to Be Held April 27

The 7th Annual Warhawk Cup Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, April 27, 2018. This event is held by AUM’s athletic department in efforts to raise money to support the AUM Women’s Basketball Team. Lagoon Park Golf Course will be hosting the golf tournament for AUM Athletics. The event will begin promptly with an 11:00 a.m. tee time that Friday. Anyone is invited to play at the annual tournament. Individuals can play for the cost of $125, and teams of four may participate for $400. All proceeds will go to the women’s basketball team. To register to play in the…
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