Sunday, May 5

Editorial: The Purpose of Internships

Internships are preparations for the real job. The purpose of the internship is to gain experience. A lot of times “real” jobs require some type of experience as their qualifications. Some majors request an internship at Auburn University of Montgomery (AUM).

Speaking from my own experience, my internship was the best job I have ever had in my life. I fully enjoyed my internship because it really has prepared me for a job. I actually got the full experience for my major/degree. Having my internship also prepped me for what attire to wear on different occasions. Every day we dress professionally, meeting days we all wear suits, and days we are off campus we dress professionally but comfortably. Once my boss figured that I was about to graduate, he wrote a recommendation letter and start reaching out to help me search for jobs. I have been blessed with this internship thanks to my advisor by just giving my name.

All AUM departments of majors can lead students to where places do have or need interns. I highly recommend each student to do an internship. Ask your advisors about internships. The best time to do internships is during the summer time. A lot of places normally are looking for interns during the summer time.

By Elisa Miller