Saturday, May 18


Kodi’s Cinema Criteria: Captain Marvel
Editorials, Opinion

Kodi’s Cinema Criteria: Captain Marvel

BY: Kodi Robertson What does one expect when seeing a superhero movie? Action, good conquering evil, wide shots, establishing shots, full body shots, and nowadays humor as well. Captain Marvel packs in all of these qualities in a neat package with a neater looking bow in pushing for female empowerment. Endowed with weeks of what seemed like endless promoting, Captain Marvel manages to live up to nearly all of its hype. Make no mistake, Brie Larson and company do not by any means disappoint.  The issues I witnessed in the film go beyond the performers. First let’s take a look at what worked rather than what did not. For starters the film utilizes establishing shots as fluid as the industry standard requires it to be. From planet to planet it was not difficult to immerse ...
Societal Expectations for a College Student

Societal Expectations for a College Student

BY: Ambria Davis Society expects so much from college students that most do not feel they are adequate enough to finish college or even be a part of society. Society is not made up of an individual’s standards, but instead a community's expectations and standards as a whole. These expectations and standards define what is socially acceptable and unacceptable. These expectations run rampantly, positively and negatively, through the college student’s friend group. The stereotypical things that college students mostly do the minute they leave their parents or guardians home are partying, drugs, diet problems, finding their identity, sex, and relationships. Some even obtain minimum wage jobs, apartments, children, pets, and cars. Yet, there are expectations that very few will achieve wh...
Battling Depression in College

Battling Depression in College

BY: Taniya Frazier College comes with a lot of new experiences, challenges, and adventures. However, there is one thing that creeps up on college students that no one wants, depression. A dark cloud that can ruin a person’s outlook and hovers over everything. College students are like gymnasts. We have to juggle academics, a social life, and work. We have to handle everything as if we are on a balance beam. If one part of your life becomes too heavy, you are at a risk of falling. If another part of your life isn’t equally balanced, how are you going to regain your balance? Depression is like this. When things get off balance or goes unplanned, it’s more than just a disappointment. Things begin to pile up on your plate until you feel like everything is your fault or you didn’t do so...
Midterms Are Around the Corner: Are You Ready?

Midterms Are Around the Corner: Are You Ready?

BY: Taniya Frazier February has come and gone. Now is the time that college students everywhere dread. Midterms are coming. Midterms are a sign of progress and a benchmark. You have completed half of the semester so far. This time should excite you, but the sight of exams are a bummer. You should be well prepared for the upcoming tests and quizzes. If you’re not, don’t worry. I’m sure these tips will help you along the way. Surviving midterms are all about balance. You have to prioritize your time academically, socially, and mentally. Academically, it would be wise to review all the content or information that you have learned in the course. Reviewing your course material will allow you to ace your midterms. Socially, it would be best to use your contacts as resources for study...
Weekly Life Hacks: Screwdrivers

Weekly Life Hacks: Screwdrivers

BY: Ambria Davis The flathead and Phillips head are used as tool to help construct products and projects whenever it is needed. The screwdriver or a ‘turnscrew’ was first mentioned in the 1500’s in Germany, yet it became popular in the 1700’s in England. It is described as a “refined tool” with a pear-shaped handle, shaft and head. Soon, screws began to replace nails due to companies manufacturing products. Its function is to tighten and release bolts and screws. There are several types of screwdrivers, however, only two screwdrivers will be distinguished today: flathead and Phillips head. The flathead screwdriver was invented in Europe and is also called a heavy-duty screwdriver. This screwdriver has a single blade and was built to replace nails and hammers. However, thi...
Why Do Different Bottled Water Brands Taste Different?

Why Do Different Bottled Water Brands Taste Different?

BY: Ambria Davis Bottled water brands taste different for many people because of how they are filtered and/or purified. Why do different bottled water brands taste completely different from each other? The different taste or flavor comes from where the water comes from. This determines the mineral or chalky taste that some have as the water passes through the different layers of limestone deep underground. To include, many bottled water brand companies will add other minerals to enhance the taste, yet this does or does not mean it will taste good. The most bought water bottle brands are Aquafina, Dasani, Nestle Waters, Glaceau Smart Water, Poland Spring, and many more. On one hand, the best tasting bottled water brands are Fiji, Voss, Glaceau Smart Water, Dasani, and Aquafina...
The Story of How My Goldfish Raised My GPA

The Story of How My Goldfish Raised My GPA

BY: Ambria Davis To start off, I was not doing so well in school and I was doing everything possible to pass certain classes. As a result, this brought my mental health down. To combat that, I painted, took photographs, went to the gym, hung out with friends and had a job. No matter how many times I socialized; I was still lonely. I had a ton of support from my family and friends, but I had lost my encouragement. I was stuck in a depression like state which I began to realize was not helping my mental state. By the time finals rolled around, I was stressed. Usually when people get stressed, they eat a ton of sweets or food. That’s not my case, I pity shop for myself, which means that I shop when I’m stressed. This made me feel better on the inside. I was talking to my mom and I ...
The Importance of Black History Month

The Importance of Black History Month

BY: Taniya Frazier February as we all know is Black History Month. However, February is the most important month from a black person’s point of view. Not many people will believe that, but it’s true. For some, it’s the only month that matters. Throughout the year, black people are given grief for simply being a color. A hairstyle is ‘too black.’ A person’s personality is ‘too black.’ An idea is ‘too black.’ However, in February that doesn’t matter. Black people can boldly and proudly display their culture, background and heritage. This month, I have attempted to go to many events concerning Black History Month. I have attended student events on AUM’s campus and even visited high schools to participate in their Black History Month programs. I have witnessed a broad range of beau...
Valentine’s Day Treats That Are Better Than Chocolate

Valentine’s Day Treats That Are Better Than Chocolate

BY: Brittany Vallely Each year people tend to buy the same treats on Valentine’s Day: chocolate, flowers, and Hallmark cards. Instead of visiting the grocery store, check out the menu at the local fast food restaurants.   Many food chain restaurants are getting into the romantic spirt, and if you or your significant other are trying to find ways to make Valentine’s Day a little bit sweeter then here are some treats that can be found in your area. Chick-Fil-A If you are not a chocolate fan then this is the treat for you. Chick-Fil-A is selling their famous chicken in heart shaped trays on Valentine’s Day. According to Chick-Fil-A’s Twitter page, all you have to do is ask for the tray and you can get a 30 count of nuggets, 10 or 6 count of minis, or if you do want ...
How to Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

How to Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

BY: Brittany Vallely The New Year has begun and millions of people are working on their resolution to become the best version of themselves, but how long does the average person stay dedicated to their resolution? According to Business Insider, about 80 percent of people will fail their New Year’s resolutions by February. The reason why is because a person feels too busy or they simply give up because they do not feel committed to the task, and then tell themselves they will try again next year. Whether the goal is fitness, financial stability, or spirituality, the only way to make the ultimate change in your life are those little reminders to help you keep going. Here are some tips to help you reach your goals in 2019. Do not focus on the outcome. People tend to fantas...