Wednesday, May 8

Brain Food

BY: Caitlin Gallagher

There are only two months left in the semester. That means two months to buckle down and get those big projects done and exams studied for. I know as well as anybody that it can be taxing to sit down and study or do homework. There’s always something else that we’d rather be doing, or we might get distracted by the T.V. or our phones.  Did you know that there are certain foods that we can consume to help boost our brain functions?

Our brains are made up mostly of fats, so it makes sense to consume foods that mirror what our brains are made of. No, I don’t mean chocolate, sugar or Taco Bell. There are such things as “healthy fats” that help increase our memory. Nuts, seeds and oils are considered as such, so opt for snacking on peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or walnuts instead of potato chips. If you don’t particularly like nuts or seeds by themselves, crunch them up and sprinkle them on salads, cereal or even sandwiches. If you like more wholesome, home-cooked meals, try using seed oil instead of plant-based oils. Seed oils like peanut, sunflower, sesame and mustard oils are other ways to get those healthy fats to induce brain power.

Memory and concentration go hand-in-hand. If you can’t concentrate on your homework or study guides long enough to comprehend them, then you won’t remember any of the information. Glucose and complex carbohydrates,are the fuel preferred by our brains. A healthy dose of glucose and whole grains increase blood flow to the brain, which increases brain productivity and concentration. Try adding fruits like oranges and avocados into your diet. 

It’s no secret that as college students we survive on caffeine. Coffee and sodas are pretty much the key to caffeine, but they are also very harmful to our bodies and our brains. Refined sugars and additives can actually have a negative effect on our brains.

Maybe you’ll take these brain food tips into consideration as you prepare for those exams and major projects. Good Luck!