Thursday, May 16

Tag: Finals

4 Tips for Last-Minute Studying

4 Tips for Last-Minute Studying

BY: Savanna Pruitt It’s time for finals, which means college students everywhere are studying like crazy and trying to cram in late-night review sessions. Even though relying on last-minute studying to pass your finals isn’t advised, there are a few things you can do to optimize your pre-finals cram sessions.  1. Set the mood in your space. It’s extremely important that you choose a place to study that’s organized and free of distractions. If you’re studying at home, take a few minutes to really straighten up your desk space and get rid of the clutter before you get down to studying. You may also want to play some white noise or ambient music to help you focus. If needed, ask your family members or roommates to give you some space and privacy so you can study without distractio...
The Finals Stretch

The Finals Stretch

BY: Jessica Alldredge Dear AUM student,  Here we are in the last few weeks of classes. This year has been difficult in every capacity. Between Covid-19, school changing drastically, and issues with work or loved ones, everyone has faced something this year that has affected them. But here we are, with two months left in the year. For better or worse— we made it.As we go into finals, be sure to take care of yourself. Take the time to step back and reflect on how you’re doing. Check-in with yourself and track your mental health. This year hasn’t been easy. This semester has been one for the books, but there have been challenges that came your way that you made it through.Remember: If you need someone to talk to, there are resources on campus that can help you. Counseling and Heal...
Coffee Shop Spots for Finals

Coffee Shop Spots for Finals

BY: Allison Stewart As the semester approaches the end, finals are slowly emerging. May the coffee start brewing. The end of the semester presents mixed emotions. There is excitement for the semester to be over, but there’s also anxiety for remaining assignments.  If you are anything like me, even thinking about my to-do list is sure to raise my blood pressure. However, preparation is key to having a successful end to the semester. Choosing the right environment to do your work in is also important.  Coffee shops are common places to find people working on homework. With their relaxing music, comfortable atmosphere and aroma of espresso, they might be the perfect spot. You will surely never find another place with more caffeinated college kids.  In the Montgomery area, t...
Brain Food

Brain Food

BY: Caitlin Gallagher There are only two months left in the semester. That means two months to buckle down and get those big projects done and exams studied for. I know as well as anybody that it can be taxing to sit down and study or do homework. There’s always something else that we’d rather be doing, or we might get distracted by the T.V. or our phones.  Did you know that there are certain foods that we can consume to help boost our brain functions? Our brains are made up mostly of fats, so it makes sense to consume foods that mirror what our brains are made of. No, I don’t mean chocolate, sugar or Taco Bell. There are such things as “healthy fats” that help increase our memory. Nuts, seeds and oils are considered as such, so opt for snacking on peanuts, almonds, pumpkin se...