Thursday, May 9

Taste of College

BY: Taniya Frazier

Here they come! The College of Sciences will be hosting a college readiness program called ”The Taste of College.” The event will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. in Taylor Center 230. 

This program is for students to get acquainted with the college lifestyle. The students will be allowed to visit departments and tour the campus, science labs, and residence halls. Students will be able to get more information on possible undergraduate programs they may be interested in, as well as a close-up look at the endless possibilities for getting involved with clubs and organizations. 

After attending this event, students should feel more comfortable in their new home-away-from- home. Students will have a more focused knowledge on what to expect at AUM. In addition, students will walk away with much-needed information about AUM and a cool swag bag. 

For more information on this and more upcoming events from the College of Sciences, please call 334-244-3678.