Thursday, May 9

Staying Safe During the 2022 Tornado Season

BY: Jayla Brown

If you’re an Alabama native, you know that when March and April roll around, it means two things: Spring is here, and so is tornado season. The past few weeks in Alabama have shown just what tornado season means— we’ve had a great number of warnings and confirmed tornados. As the season progresses, it is important you know how to stay safe. Here are some tips for this staying safe during tornado season.

1. Be prepared. 

It is important that you get prepared before a tornado. Have a safety plan in place! 

2. Get your essentials. 

A part of being prepared for tornados is having the essentials, like extra batteries, water, non-perishables and flashlights. You never know when you will need these. This tornado season, you should invest in supply kits to keep you and your family safe. Even if you do not keep this kit year-round, you should get one during the tornado season. 

3. Know the difference between a watch and a warning. 

It is imperative to know the difference to stay safe.  A tornado watch means there is a potential tornado due to the weather. A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been spotted on radar. Knowing the difference could save your life.

4. Stay updated.

If you’ve watched news coverage on the weather, you’ve probably heard your weather person advise you to download their station’s app. This is one way to stay up-to-date during bad weather. In this time of technology and smartphones, weather apps have become essential in staying in the know concerning the weather in your area. Another way to stay updated is to purchase a weather radio. Most weather radios will turn on during a tornado warning or when a watch is issued. 

5. Turn on your weather alerts. 

Everyone hates when a weather alert wakes them up in the middle of the night, but it is important that you have your alerts on while sleeping. Weather can be very unpredictable, so this will be helpful if there is a sudden confirmed tornado in your area and you need to take shelter. 

6. Know your safe spaces. 

Whether you are on campus or at home, know the safe spots in the area you are in. if there is no way to evacuate, make sure you are knowledgeable on the safe spots to take shelter. With a simple Google search, you can find the severe weather shelter closest to your location. You can take a trip with family or friends to be comfortable with the route beforehand. 

Stay safe this tornado season! Visit the National Weather Service for more information.