
5 Tips for Your Daily Skin Care

5 Tips for Your Daily Skin Care

BY: Brittany Vallely You’ve had a long day and you’re ready to go bed, but then you remember you need to wash face.  Skin care is important for one’s personal health, but it's a routine that requires multiple steps and can be tedious. While hot water and soap is the easiest opinion, that process is not always favorable. Everyone has different types of skin and sometimes others require more attention— especially if you are a girl who wears makeup throughout the week. Skin can also be sensitive so it is important to know what kind of products are best for…
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BY: Taniya Frazier Young hearts desire a good time for any occasion, especially summer. Summer is the time to be free, flourish, and make unforgettable memories. The summer is where you lose worries and be relaxed. Forget about the fact that you’re moving away soon. Forget that you may have summer classes. Forget that every summer you don’t have the best of times. I declare that this summer is yours! With these tips, I’m sure you will have the time of your life!1. Spend time with your friends.This may seem like a simple task, but that’s because it is! I…
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Friends 101

Friends 101

BY: Taniya Frazier Graduating high school also means leaving behind some of your best friends. Spending four or more years with the same familiar faces can make you very attached to them. If you are lucky enough to go to college with your high school best friends, cherish it. However, college is about adventure, experience, and socializing. Go out and meet new faces while keeping contact with old ones. Try not to get so involved with old friends that you waste time that could be spent with potential new friends. Take my word for it- I know how important high…
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Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

BY: Morgan Thayer It is nearing the end of the semester, and with every end comes goodbyes- goodbyes to friends we made who are now graduating and moving on to bigger and better adventures in life. No matter the circumstance, saying goodbye is never easy. It comes with tears, hugs, reminiscing, and laughter we try to use to mask the tears. I have always wondered why the word "good" is in "goodbye." How could a word that we use to describe things such as ice cream, doughnuts, and pizza be put together with the word "bye" to make a word…
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Summer Vacation on a Budget

Summer Vacation on a Budget

BY: Morgan Thayer With the end of the semester approaching and summer on the horizon, it is hard to stay focused on finals when all you can think about is sun, fun, and adventures. No one wants to spend their entire summer cooped up in a stuffy house but if you are like me, you are broke. Summer adventures can become costly quick, and let's all be real- nobody actually has the money for a summer vacation abroad in Paris where life seems like a rom-com for two months straight. So what are some fun things we can do to…
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Fake News and 2020

Fake News and 2020

BY: Kory Hobbs Half-truths, embellished headlines, and absurd angles to news stories were nothing new when the 2016 nominees kicked off their presidential campaigns. However, America saw an increase in fake news stories across major social platforms during that time. Fake news is a problem because it creates a risk of misinformation that has the potential to spread like wildfire. Most of us are busy day in and day out- we visit the sites online that we feel comfortable going to and watch news channels that fit our taste. We do it unintentionally most of the time and fail to…
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Kodi’s Cinema Criteria: US

Kodi’s Cinema Criteria: US

BY: Kodi Robertson The theater was dark-- it was so silent you could hear a pin drop among the deep breaths of everyone watching Jordan Peele’s US. Before anyone could take a second breath, four shadows emerged outside of the on-screen family's home. This kind of thing was the stuff of nightmares. US delivers a powerful message in a beautiful package and helps bring back simplicity in horror films that has made movies scary since Alfred Hitchcock. As I lay down some of the mechanics of this movie that worked, I’ll save any potential spoilers for the themes that Peele…
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Kodi’s Cinema Criteria: Why You Should Start Game of Thrones Now

Kodi’s Cinema Criteria: Why You Should Start Game of Thrones Now

BY: Kodi Robertson With the resurgence of Game of Thrones Season 8 comes the spectacle of a lifetime. I won’t try and tell you to read the books by George R. R. Martin, but I will encourage you to take the dive with me as we start backward. On April 14, 2019, Season 8 premiered on thousands of HBO accounts across the country, and no doubt millions of people sat in to watch it. I myself haven’t started Game of Thrones (GoT), but I've always wanted to (believe me with my busy theatre schedule there was never enough time to…
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Satire: Are Potato Chips Just Fried Vegetables?

Satire: Are Potato Chips Just Fried Vegetables?

BY: Ambria Davis Potato chips are just fried vegetables and need to be eaten with every meal-it could be beneficial for your health. The potato chip derives from the potato and is defined as a fried crispy delectable snack that is usually salted or flavored. Yet, it is considered an unhealthy snack, but why can't it be reclassified as healthy? Potato chips should be considered as a part of a healthy balanced meal and should be served with all forms of meals. The potato is a starchy vegetable, and it helps with fiber and lowering cholesterol. When it is sliced,…
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BY: Morgan Thayer For many college students, calling an Uber or Lyft is a common act of responsibility after a night out. However, for 21-year-old University of South Carolina student Samantha Josephson, the story ended differently than most. On the night of April 29, Josephson got into a car with who she thought was her Uber driver but instead was a predator. Josephson climbed into the supposed Uber around 2:00 a.m, but never arrived at her destination. Josephson's friends reported her missing 12 hours later and two hours after the missing person report was filed, authorities found her body. Josephson’s…
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Weekly Life Hacks: Tea Bags

Weekly Life Hacks: Tea Bags

BY: Ambria Davis Reusing old tea bags is a great way to help around the house by cleaning and protecting everyday household items and health. The tea bag was accidentally invented by an American named Thomas Sullivan. The purpose of the tea bag is to give the hot ancient drink a better taste by concentrating the leaves in one area. Today, we use tea bags just for making tea, but there are more ways to use them. Reusing tea bags around the house can provide daily beauty and health benefits, and it's great for nature. For beauty and health, tea…
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Should You Join the AUM Alumni Association?

Should You Join the AUM Alumni Association?

BY: Kory Hobbs With the end of the semester rapidly approaching, many graduating seniors are going to face a lot of questions. One question might be: Should I join the AUM Alumni Association? We all know some people that have, maybe parents or friends of the family who say they believe it was a good choice. We also know others who could care less and just go on about their lives after college, having little to no contact with their alma mater. Let’s run down some reasons why one might choose to join the AUM Alumni Association. For starters, there…
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We Still Love You, Auburn.

We Still Love You, Auburn.

BY: Morgan Thayer As the basketball went through the hoop from the free throw line, Auburn’s dream of making it to the championship came to an end. After a historic season for Auburn’s Men's Basketball team, a penalty in the last 0.6 seconds of the game gave Virginia the chance they needed to secure a spot in the championship game. Recovering from a 10 point deficit after half time, Auburn thought they had it in the bag. Virginia Junior Kyle Guy missed a free throw shot and the game looked to be over, but before the seconds could run out…
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Online or In-class- Which Do You Prefer?

Online or In-class- Which Do You Prefer?

BY: Taniya Frazier Auburn University Montgomery offers a variety of classes. There are traditional classes which require students to be in-class to participate. There are hybrid classes which require students to come to class half of the week and the remaining half is online. There are online classes which require students to only participate online. The question is which one do students prefer the most? Some people would automatically assume that every student wants to have online classes so that they don’t have to get out of bed. However, that is not true for every student. I have asked students…
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Political Apathy Is More Problematic Than You Think

Political Apathy Is More Problematic Than You Think

BY: Brittany Vallely “It will get cooler, it will get warmer. It’s called weather… I think it’s a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money,” said the current president when asked if he believed in climate change by Fox News. This is an example of how political apathy is the number one environmental problem in the United States because in order to solve any issue, our nation’s leaders must participate.   According to the League of Conservation Voters, they “counted a total of 35 House votes and 19 Senate votes to overturn climate regulations,…
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Ways to Survive Pollen Season

Ways to Survive Pollen Season

BY: Brittany Vallely People are sneezing, their noses are running, and their eyes are constantly watering-- which is also known as Hay fever. Pollen is impossible to avoid because it can be carted by wind, insects, and people. Ben Lang, a meteorologist at WAKA news station, says warming temperatures are rising at 71 degrees and the public will continue to see that number climb. This past week pollen was at a 10.4 average. “The current pollen average is not really strange for Alabama,” Lang said. We all need to go outside to get some fresh air, but no one really…
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Kodi’s Cinema Criteria: Captain Marvel

Kodi’s Cinema Criteria: Captain Marvel

BY: Kodi Robertson What does one expect when seeing a superhero movie? Action, good conquering evil, wide shots, establishing shots, full body shots, and nowadays humor as well. Captain Marvel packs in all of these qualities in a neat package with a neater looking bow in pushing for female empowerment. Endowed with weeks of what seemed like endless promoting, Captain Marvel manages to live up to nearly all of its hype. Make no mistake, Brie Larson and company do not by any means disappoint.  The issues I witnessed in the film go beyond the performers. First let’s take a look…
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Societal Expectations for a College Student

Societal Expectations for a College Student

BY: Ambria Davis Society expects so much from college students that most do not feel they are adequate enough to finish college or even be a part of society. Society is not made up of an individual’s standards, but instead a community's expectations and standards as a whole. These expectations and standards define what is socially acceptable and unacceptable. These expectations run rampantly, positively and negatively, through the college student’s friend group. The stereotypical things that college students mostly do the minute they leave their parents or guardians home are partying, drugs, diet problems, finding their identity, sex, and relationships.…
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Are You Ready for the Workforce?

Are You Ready for the Workforce?

BY: Taniya Frazier Auburn University Montgomery Career Development Center is having a career fair on April 3, 2019. The fair will begin at 11:00 a.m. in Taylor Center 230. The fair is only for students and alumni. The attire is professional dress code and it is mandatory. In order to attend, you must have your Warhawk ID. The career fair will offer students help with resume building, finding jobs and giving out tips about the workforce. There will be a couple of different companies and organizations seeking fresh workers or possible interns. The Career Development Center help students get ready…
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A Brief Look into the Origins of AUM

A Brief Look into the Origins of AUM

BY: Kory Hobbs Auburn University at Montgomery is currently home to over 5,000 undergraduate and graduate students. The campus sits on a beautiful 500-acre lot on the eastern side of Montgomery. The success of the university and campus would not have been possible if it wasn’t for what unfolded in the late 1960’s. On a quest to expand higher education within the city of Montgomery, Charles Brightwell, the president of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce looked around the city for the best candidates. The University of Alabama had an educational building near Maxwell Airforce Base off Bell Street that…
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