Thursday, May 9

Ways to Survive Pollen Season

BY: Brittany Vallely

People are sneezing, their noses are running, and their eyes are constantly watering– which is also known as Hay fever. Pollen is impossible to avoid because it can be carted by wind, insects, and people.

Ben Lang, a meteorologist at WAKA news station, says warming temperatures are rising at 71 degrees and the public will continue to see that number climb. This past week pollen was at a 10.4 average.

“The current pollen average is not really strange for Alabama,” Lang said.

We all need to go outside to get some fresh air, but no one really has time for allergies. Since the average is continuing to rise, here are some ways to survive pollen season.

  • Wipe your shoes off.

Pollen is most likely on your shoes and then you are tracking pollen when go back inside. If you are wearing black boots then you can probably see it. After long day of being out, be sure to wipe and clean your shoes. You can do this by getting a wet wipe or use a damp dryer sheet. Another opinion is to just leave your shoes outside.

  • Change your clothes.

If you are sneezing while indoors, then it is probably because pollen is on your clothes. Try to change clothes as soon as you get home so the pollen doesn’t stick on your furniture, and wash them when you can.

  • Be mindful of your pets.

Pollen can track on your pets, so bathing them and vacuuming your carpets at least once a week will help reduce the pollen in your house. It is also a good idea to keep your pets away from your bed during this time so pollen does not track on your sheets as much.

  • Buy a house plant.

Since pollen is going to track into your home no matter what, you probably would rather the pollen stick on a plant then on your shelves. This is the best time of the year to buy a plant because it will grow and clear the air.

  • Keep windows and doors shut.

Even though letting some air into your home is tempting when the sun is out, this can be the worse time of the year to do so. Keep your doors and windows shut, and wait until around summertime to open them.

  • Drink orange juice.

If you feel a cold coming on, then I highly recommend drinking orange juice and combining the drink with some of your meals. Orange juice helps makes your immune system stronger and contains vitamin C. Orange juice is also known to help improve poor digestive problems. So instead of making coffee every morning, try starting your day with orange juice, because at least it is a refreshing drink and part of a healthy diet.  

If you really want to avoid pollen then you could always take some vacation time and go to the beach, but if you do not have time then I would start preparing for spring.  

The best thing to do is to be mindful of how pollen tracks into your home and watch your health, because that is how pollen can get to you the most. To find more information about the pollen in your area you can go to to check on the current allergy report.