Thursday, May 9

Online or In-class- Which Do You Prefer?

BY: Taniya Frazier

Auburn University Montgomery offers a variety of classes. There are traditional classes which require students to be in-class to participate. There are hybrid classes which require students to come to class half of the week and the remaining half is online. There are online classes which require students to only participate online. The question is which one do students prefer the most?

Some people would automatically assume that every student wants to have online classes so that they don’t have to get out of bed. However, that is not true for every student. I have asked students what type of classes they prefer and the answers varies. The answers are categorized in four sections. Section one are for the students who prefer online classes so that they don’t have to change their daily schedule or stay in bed. Section two are for students who prefer in-class because of the course subject demonstrations. Section three are for students who prefer in-class due to high online course fees. Section four are for students who prefer online because they are away from the campus like living out of the state.

I think it’s interesting that there is such a diversity of learning styles for students. Some students work better with a classroom environment while others don’t need the extra push. I prefer to take classes online because it frees up my schedule. I try to balance school, work, and my personal life. Having online classes really helps my schedule. Some semesters I am able to take online classes and others semesters I can’t. However, both types of classes are equally beneficial.