BY: Taniya Frazier
College is a new journey for all students. This journey will develop new interests, discoveries, and trials. I don’t think it’s one that anyone takes alone. Friends are crucial to a student’s outlook on college. Besides academics, a student’s social life has a bigger impact on their college experience. Through this journey, it helps to have a buddy to talk with and experience life together. The people you meet in college will grow to be some of your closest friends. Your ‘Warhawk Buddy’ will more than likely be with you through majority or all of your college experience.
A ‘Warhawk Buddy’ is more than just a classmate. This person, or people, is your go-to for all things college. Your lunch buddy. Study partner. Your number one person to take to any event. I have multiple ‘Warhawk Buddies’ on campus. We have lunch together when we can. We help each other study and stay on task. We hang out in our residence halls all afternoon and night which feels like sleepovers. If I’m ever going somewhere on campus, I know just who to call to go with me. Your “Warhawk Buddy” is a mutual bond of friendship that exceeds outside of academics.
Check out this awesome picture of a #WarhawkBuddy duo at NAACP’s Trap N’ Paint!

I will be capturing any ‘Warhawk Buddies’ that I see on campus for this series. I will be capturing ‘Warhawk Buddies’ at campus events, lunch hours in the student cafe, Warhawk Alley and AUM Housing. #WarharkBuddy series will display multiple buddies that we have here on campus. We have a wide and diverse student body here on campus and this series will showcase that. If you and your ‘Warhawk Buddy’ are out and about on campus, feel free to shout out your #WarharkBuddy and take a picture!
Painting sure is fun with someone you love! Look at this #WarhawkBuddy pair!