Thursday, May 9

Tips for Going to Any Christmas Market

BY: Molly Gray

I am obsessed with going to Christmas markets in the area. There is just something so fun and magical about shopping in a Christmas Wonderland. I go to two markets every single year. Therefore, I have learned a lot, so I want to share my tips for going to any Christmas market.

  • Look at the schedule for the market.

This may seem like a simple thing, but it is very important. Most markets span over the weekend and offer a preview night. Preview nights are nice, but they cost extra. Therefore, you need to know what will take place each day. My best advice is to not attend on a Saturday unless you have no other option. Everyone goes on Saturdays, so it is extra crowded.

  • Beware of strollers.

Christmas markets are full of mothers who are looking for good Christmas deals. If they have young kids, they will bring a stroller. If you are not careful, you can get run over really quick. My best advice is to avoid strollers as much as you can.

  • The food tables are always crowded. Be prepared.

You always know when you come up on a food table with samples. You cannot see the table because of the crowd of people around them. I tend to avoid them unless I really want something. My best advice would be to be prepared to be patient to get a sample.

  • Remember that you have to carry what you buy.

You will be tempted to buy everything there. There will be big things and small things that you will like. You just need to remember that you have to carry what you buy. Some of the bigger things may be able to be picked up later. My best advice is to buy the smaller things first and come back for the bigger purchases when you get ready to leave.

  • Be careful with impulse buys.

Like I said in the last tip, you will probably be tempted to buy a lot when you first get there. However, you need to be sure that you look around at everything just in case you find something you like better. My best advice is to look at everything and then come back and buy it later.

  • Do not be that person that stands in the way.

You will likely find someone who will stop to have a conversation in the middle of the aisle. My best advice is to not be that person and move to the side if you have to talk.

  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

It is tempting to look really cute when shopping. However, you will be walking for hours. My best advice is to wear comfortable shoes and then dress accordingly. 

  • Have fun!

It is important to enjoy yourself. Christmas markets are fun, so please enjoy!