Monday, May 20

Tag: Studying

5 Study Tips to Help You Excel in Midterms 

5 Study Tips to Help You Excel in Midterms 

BY: Isadora Nicolai It is midterms season, and students are at that critical moment when a failed midterm test could unbalance their average in any class. Studying can be boring, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to make your study days for the midterms a little bit more pleasant.  Turn on some jams.   Some people are able to concentrate and study even with a TV or music on. When studying for the midterms, make a bomb playlist and dive into whatever topic you are studying. Music makes everything lighter and enjoyable. Perhaps having good tunes on might make the time go by fast and help you get done with all the topics there are to study.  Find a new place to study.  Finding a new cool space to do your studying might help you to get a dif...
Coffee Shop Spots for Finals

Coffee Shop Spots for Finals

BY: Allison Stewart As the semester approaches the end, finals are slowly emerging. May the coffee start brewing. The end of the semester presents mixed emotions. There is excitement for the semester to be over, but there’s also anxiety for remaining assignments.  If you are anything like me, even thinking about my to-do list is sure to raise my blood pressure. However, preparation is key to having a successful end to the semester. Choosing the right environment to do your work in is also important.  Coffee shops are common places to find people working on homework. With their relaxing music, comfortable atmosphere and aroma of espresso, they might be the perfect spot. You will surely never find another place with more caffeinated college kids.  In the Montgomery area, t...