
Students relax and destress with goat cuddling on The Quad

Students relax and destress with goat cuddling on The Quad

Student holding a goat at the Goat Cuddling event hosted by Student Affairs By: Kate Lindsey-Hunter and Trace Espinosa, AUMnibus staff writers MONTGOMERY, Ala. — As midterms approach, the "Goat Cuddle" event on Feb. 17 was one way for students to comfortably destress by sharing some memories and some fur. Hosted by Auburn University at Montgomery’s (AUM) Student Affairs in collaboration with Sarah Warren, an owner of Goat Yoga Bham, this event provided warm, snuggly friends to our very own campus and any students willing to join. A few goats were the center of students’ attention on The Quad from…
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5 Study Tips to Help You Excel in Midterms 

5 Study Tips to Help You Excel in Midterms 

BY: Isadora Nicolai It is midterms season, and students are at that critical moment when a failed midterm test could unbalance their average in any class. Studying can be boring, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to make your study days for the midterms a little bit more pleasant.  Turn on some jams.   Some people are able to concentrate and study even with a TV or music on. When studying for the midterms, make a bomb playlist and dive into whatever topic you are studying. Music makes everything lighter and enjoyable. Perhaps having good tunes on…
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Midterm Blues

Midterm Blues

BY: Hannah Long It is that time of year again where college students are stressed out while studying for midterms. Whether a student is taking three classes or six, the stress is real.  Everyone handles their stress differently, and everyone studies differently. I know all too well about the stress of midterms and trying to figure out how to study for them all. Taking multiple classes and having a midterm in every single one can be very overwhelming.  For freshmen, this is their first time taking midterms, so of course they’re going to be extremely overwhelmed. For the seniors, this…
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