Thursday, May 2

Post Valentine’s Day Struggle


By Nikki Headley

You walk into to your house after a stressful day at Auburn Montgomery. You hear your bed calling your name but you know you have school work to do. Irritation begins to set in and you plop down on your couch to look for your syllabus. Suddenly a bright red heart shaped box catches your eye. Just a few wont hurt me right? You open the box and begin eating chocolate while you work on your assignment.

Valentine’s Day has just passed and many of you are struggling with this. Especially if you are a chocoholic and your significant other gave you a ton of the good stuff. How do we enjoy chocolate without overdoing it, feeling guilty, and then wondering if you should have celebrated Valentine’s Day at all? As you are staring at the box of chocolate that you just devoured, you are probably also wondering how you could have approached things differently.

The saying “out of sight, out of mind” can be useful when it comes to many things including Valentine’s Day chocolate. Try putting that large box of chocolate in a place that you won’t be able to see it. Try putting in it in a desk drawer. Put it somewhere that you normally don’t go to.  Not seeing your temptation can be helpful in the long run.

Freezers are your friends. Some people like their chocolate chilled. Put that box of candy in the freezer. You cant eat something that is frozen solid unless you want a chipped tooth.

Take a few pieces out and thaw them in the fridge. Now you can eat smaller amounts of the chocolate and it won’t be as bad for you. Your candy will also last longer. When you want to splurge it’s right there in your house for you to eat.

Finally, this may sound a bit rude but you could also give some of your candy away. The person that gave it to you doesn’t have to know, nor does the person you are giving it to. You can just eliminate the problem if you don’t have self-control. Just keep it to yourself so you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.

Yes, you can enjoy your candy. Just do it in moderation and all will be well!