Thursday, May 2

Healthy Changes Lead to a Healthy You

By Nikki Headley

Motivation is a hard thing to come by. Finding a reason to work out and eat right requires dedication, self-discipline and more importantly the reason behind doing it. What’s the point of getting up every day and killing yourself in the gym? What’s the point of not eating that cookie after lunch every day? Why not live your life in a manner that supposedly makes you happy? Plenty of people ask themselves these questions. Working out and eating right isn’t something you can just do. These actions become a rewarding lifestyle. Going to the gym three times a year does not count as working out on a regular basis. Do you want the motivation to change the way you take care of yourself physically and emotionally? Give some of these suggestions a once over. Try to think about them when you think about working out again.

Take your time. Living a healthier lifestyle is not something you can do overnight. You have to ease yourself into it. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your motivation. Start by simply adding vegetables to your diet and cutting back on the sodas. Try doing light exercise like a brisk walk or an aerobics class like Zumba. This is better than nothing. In time you will see results in not only your body but in your gym performance as well.

Make goals for yourself. Working out and eating right are hard to do if you don’t have goals. If you are trying to build muscle make what your lifting a bit heavier every few months. If you want to lose weight try changing up your diet and doing some cardio exercise. Some people just want to be in better shape so do both cardio exercise and muscle training. Goals lead to great things not to mention you feel so rewarded when you reach that goal.

Never give up. It’s so tempting to not go to the gym when you are busy with classes, work, and family. Despite having all of these responsibilities you need to make time for yourself. You need to be able to look in the mirror and be happy with yourself. Confidence is an extremely important attribute when it comes to living your life in the professional and day to day world. Be motivated to love your body and never depend on somebody’s love for your self-worth.

Reading these tips and actually doing them are two very different things. Start slow, make goals, and never ever give up on yourself. Small lifestyle changes can lead to bigger changes. Motivation isn’t an easy task but if you truly want to see a change in your health start with some of these tips. Your mind will take you farther than anything else. Stop saying I can’t and start saying I can.