Sunday, May 19

Comparing Brands: Grocery Shopping

BY: Kaleria Jackson

As a college students we need to eat and eating in the Café can get repetitive. Going grocery shopping is the next form of action. There are a few things obstacles when going grocery shopping. For instance, prices for groceries can be a bit expensive, and as a college student your budget is not as big as when you are grocery shopping with your parents.  Do not be scared to get the store brand products. It may not seem like a big deal, but plenty of people feel ashamed of not getting name brand products. Do not feel discouraged because the non-name brand products are just as good as the name brand.

The first rule you have to grocery shopping would be knowing your budget. Your budget will be your determining factor for what you will get at the grocery store, which grocery store you will visit. There has been a constant debate on which store to buy groceries from. I went to both Wal-Mart and Publix to compare prices of the main things college students need or usually get.

Comparing Prices:


  • Bread: Finding the right loaf of bread can be difficult. I priced three different types of bread, Sara Lee, Sunbeam, and the store brand bread. At Publix Sara Lee is $2.99, Sunbeam is $2.77, and the store brand is $1.99. At Wal-Mart Sara Lee is $2.28, Sunbeam is $2.98, and the store brand is $0.88.


  • Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away and for purchasing apples it might just be the same for you. Gala apples at Publix is $2.49 a pound and Gala Apples at Wal-Mart is $1.77 a pound.


  • Water: Most people are very particular when it comes to the water they drink because not all water tastes the same. Water drinkers am I right, but all water does not cost the same either. A 24 pack of store brand water at Publix is $4.99. Which is around the same price as most name brand water. On the other hand, a 24 pack of store brand water at Wal-Mart Store is $2.68.


  • Hot Pockets: Hot Pockets are commonly known as a decent college meal or snack depending on how hungry you are. Hot pockets at Publix were $2.39 a box. At Wal-Mart a box of hot pockets is $2.00 a box.


  • Salad: Salads. Who could forget about salads? Generally, I would, but for a Bistro salad I could never forget. At Publix Bistro salads are $3.99, whereas at Wal-Mart they are $2.98.


  • Rice: Any simple meal can be great with rice, if it is priced right. Knorr Rice at Publix is $1.62 a bag. At Wal-Mart the price of Knorr rice is $1.00 a bag.


  • Frozen Pizza: Mama Mia! It’s just frozen pizza. The type of frozen pizza that could be your dinner or lunch. At Publix the cost of Totino’s frozen pizza is $1.20. The cost of Totino’s at Wal-Mart is $1.36.


Comparing prices can be annoying especially when you are only going to one store. Saving your money can be worth it at the end though. Budgeting is what this all comes down to. Spend your money wisely but know that this is your money, use it how you see fit. In the end, which grocery store has the best prices for you as a shopper?