Thursday, May 9

Classic Horror Films to Watch to Get Ready For Halloween

BY: Jessica Alldredge

If you’re not into movies, or into horror, then you might not give this article a second thought. But if you’ve had a change of heart and you want to know where to start when it comes to horror movie classics, look no further. This list has got you covered.

Here are some classic horror movies that are perfect for a Friday night when you want to sleep with your lights on and startle awake at every weird sound your house makes. All of these movies are available on iTunes to rent right now, so you can get your heebie-jeebies on. These might all be badly explained, but they should definitely be on your list. 

Psycho (1960)

This Alfred Hitchcock film has probably worked its way onto every film lovers’ shelf, so you should give it a try. It’s got a creepy guy with mommy issues, a questionable hotel, embezzlement, and murder! What more could you ask for in a classic black and white film from the 1960s? Hitchcock was known for his thrilling psychological films that left you chilled to the bone. If you’re looking for a way to ease into the horror genre, this is a good place to start. 

The Exorcist (1973)

If demon possession is more your style, The Exorcist might be right up your alley. The Exorcist is about a young girl who is possessed by a demon and the priests that have to confront their religion to stop the demon. It’s one of the original films with demon possession as a theme. You might know it for the girl floating above her bed and performing very scary and strange feats of strength. The Exorcist was definitely one of the movies your parents didn’t want you watching you were young, but it can’t possibly be any worse than the year 2020. 

Carrie (1976)

Who doesn’t love a good underdog comeback story that isn’t based around football? Carrie is for all the people who didn’t fit in in high school and wish they could have done something about it. It’s a coming-of-age story for those who enjoy the horror genre. It’s about an introverted girl gaining confidence in her power, bullies getting what they deserve, and prom! It’s one of those weird classic horror films that you should watch at least once. The remake just doesn’t do the 1970s justice. 

Halloween (1978)

If you like the Netflix show “You”, you might enjoy Halloween. It’s just like it. Sort of. Anyway, there’s a guy that definitely stalks a young girl and has some major mental issues. Like, escapes from a mental institution because he murdered somebody when he was young kind of mental issues. We get a young Jamie Lee Curtis running around a neighborhood trying to avoid the guy with a knife on Halloween. And that’s the movie. There that’s the whole movie. Not so scary now, is it?

The Shining (1980)

Heeerrree’s John- alright you get it. This is probably one of the horror movies that other horror movies want to be when they grow up. One of the more famous adaptations of horror fiction writer Stephen King’s stories, The Shining is that movie with the hotel, the twin girls, the kid on the tricycle, the famous ax slinging scene, and everything else you already know about it. Essentially, a writer goes crazy while on vacation and tries to kill his wife. A lot of other things happen in between, but it’s really scary. I promise. Like, sleep with the lights on for a week, scary. 

Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Three words: Young Johnny Depp. Need anything else? If that wasn’t enough, here’s the rundown. Teenagers get some really bad dreams, it turns out their parents have some secrets, and the past (the horror version of Edward Scissor Hands) has come back to haunt them. And wouldn’t you know it, it takes place on Elm Street. But seriously. Young Johnny Depp. In a crop top!

These films are classic horror movies for a reason, and even if you’re not a horror movie person, there’s probably something out there for you. 

I can almost guarantee you’ve heard of the films on this list, so you should be able to say you’ve seen them too!