
Creative and Original Ways to Decorate Your Graduation Cap

Creative and Original Ways to Decorate Your Graduation Cap

BY: Savanna Sabb We all know the traditional garments for graduation-- the black robe that feels rewarding to wear but is also bulky and unflattering on every body type, the tassel that swings every which way whenever you turn your head, and who can forget about the most iconic piece of all? The cap. Everyone pretty much looks the same at graduation with the exception of the cords and stoles that some students have earned. Do you know what would really set you apart from the crowd and will easily get your friends and families attention? Decorating your cap! Thankfully…
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Most Interesting Channels to Watch on YouTube

Most Interesting Channels to Watch on YouTube

BY: Savanna Sabb Let’s face it, YouTube has become everyone’s safe-haven. There is something for everybody on there. There are cooking channels for the cooking enthusiast, there are gaming channels for the die-hard gamers, beauty channels for the make- up lovers. I’m sure by now you get my drift. In the land of YouTube everyone is welcome. With so many options to choose from you never really know if you are going to waste your time watching a YouTuber who turns out not to be your cup of tea. To save you some time I created a list of YouTube…
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The Canceled Culture: No One and Nothing is Safe from Being Cancelled

The Canceled Culture: No One and Nothing is Safe from Being Cancelled

BY: Savanna Sabb It seems like almost every week or every other week on social media a scandal arises and shortly after that scandal, someone or something is allegedly “cancelled.” Welcome to the cancelled culture where people who utter an offensive word or post a tweet that is an unpopular opinion are quickly cancelled according to the many users of social media. What qualifies someone to enter the world of cancellation you might ask? With the help of some examples, let’s take a look. Some celebrities have been cancelled for their unpopular opinions that seem to offend a majority of…
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Featured Features: Bohemian Rhapsody

Featured Features: Bohemian Rhapsody

Full of opinions, but free of spoilers. If you’re a lover of the songs “We Are The Champions”, “We Will Rock You”, “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and of course the famous “Bohemian Rhapsody” you were probably pumped for the Queen biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody. As someone who grew up listening to Queen I was super excited for this movie when I saw the first trailer, but at the same time scared that it would be a flop. Rami Malek from Mr. Robot was our Freddie in this film and man did he perform. Throughout most of the film I forgot…
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AUM’s Small Theatre Program Provides Students Big Opportunities

AUM’s Small Theatre Program Provides Students Big Opportunities

BY: Brittany Vallely “Being a small theatre means that everyone who comes in hits the ground running,” according to AUM’s theatre coordinator who is also an alumni. Katie Pearson, who has been a part of the theatre program since 2004, gave a speech to journalism students about how AUM’s theatre department prepares students for the professional world, despite the size of the program. Pearson received her bachelor’s in art and master degree in liberal arts with a concentration in theatre from AUM. After she graduated, she continued working at the university for four years as an assistant, and was later…
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An Experience to Remember

BY: Kaleria Jackson I went to my first college football game this year. I went to the Alabama homecoming game against Missouri. I had no idea what to expect when I arrived on Alabama’s campus. I live next to Auburn so I knew traffic was going to be a problem but, as for the experience I didn’t have a clue. My older cousin invited me to go with her to the Alabama homecoming game since she was an alumnus of the University of Alabama. The first thing we did when arrived on the campus was get ready to go tailgating.…
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Comparing Brands: Netflix vs Hulu

Comparing Brands: Netflix vs Hulu

BY: Kaleria Jackson Every college student either has an account or is using someone’s account. Netflix is a veteran. Hulu is a rookie. The battle between which streaming services are the best has been up for debate. Understanding which one is the best service is the hardest part. Netflix started its streaming services in 1997, which is a total shock due to it becoming popular in the 2010s. Netflix first started out as a DVD-by-mail service with no late fees. As time went on Netflix turned completely digital streaming service. Hulu started its streaming services in 2008. Hulu’s streaming service…
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Graduating Soon? Here’s How To Keep Up With Your Credits

Graduating Soon? Here’s How To Keep Up With Your Credits

BY: Tommi Jo Miller For those expecting to graduate this December or upcoming May, the end is in sight. The only thing that could end this bliss for a student is learning that they do not have enough credits to finish as soon as planned. To avoid this last minute debacle, it is a good idea to keep up with credits semester to semester. There are two ways to do this—by consulting Blackboard or an advisor. The “Degree Works” feature on Blackboard is an easy way for a student to track their progress using a detailed breakdown of their academic…
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Have Curse Words Lost Their Curse?

Have Curse Words Lost Their Curse?

BY: Savanna Sabb Do you remember when you were younger, there was always that list of words you could never say? Usually they were the infamous “4 letter words” that were censored throughout every form of media. As I’ve been paying more attention to what is said in the media and reality, I’ve noticed that those words that we should never utter in the presence of anyone but our diaries are now being said with such ease. Recently, I saw an Instagram video of a little girl repeatedly dropping the F-bomb while her mom was recording her. I don’t know…
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Tips to Winning the Fight Between You and Procrastination

Tips to Winning the Fight Between You and Procrastination

BY: Savanna Sabb Procrastination has been my greatest enemy during my college career. It has been so easy for me to immediately ditch writing a paper to go eat with my friends. I always end up telling myself the age-old lie: “I deserve this break and I’ll work on it right when I get home” then when I get home what am I doing? Binge watching a show on Netflix. Procrastination is like that devil that is on the shoulder of cartoon characters that always tries to sweet talk them into making the wrong choices. I have found a few…
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A Look at the #MeToo Movement: One Year Later

A Look at the #MeToo Movement: One Year Later

BY: Tommi Jo Miller One year ago this month, #MeToo took the internet, and the country, by storm. In an effort to raise awareness about a devastatingly prevalent issue, actress Alyssa Milano prompted her Twitter followers to share their own sexual assault stories using the hashtag. According to studies by the Pew Research Center, the hashtag is used almost 60,000 times every day, totaling to nearly 20 million #MeToo tweets since the hashtag originated last year. While the inception of the movement was a year ago, its effects are still being felt. In the past year, many prominent men have…
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Helpful Tips for Those Struggling to Choose a Major

Helpful Tips for Those Struggling to Choose a Major

BY: Tommi Jo Miller If you have yet to choose a major, do not feel alone. On average, 20% to half of all college students have not chosen a major at the start of their college career. The U.S. Department of Education cites almost 60% of college students taking 6 years to graduate with a traditionally 4-year bachelor’s degree. This number, which could be a cause of changing majors, promotes the need to find a major sooner rather than later. Huffington Post’s Gianna Sen-Gupta researched with college advisors to find tips on how to make choosing a major easy. Do…
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Billboard’s Top 100: Song of the Week “Girls Like You”- by Maroon 5 (feat. Cardi B)

BY: Kodi Robertson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJOTlE1K90k A guitar plays, the chords of strings are plucked at a quick tempo. Standing alone, the strings sing out notes that fly off the neck of the guitar fluidly. Adam Levine’s presence is felt as he waits patiently for his cue to sing. Levine finally hits the first lyric blending his voice with Carmichael’s guitar chords. Maroon 5 is known for not being afraid to explore outside of their genre. A band that started out as alternative, has slid into the pop genre with ease changing the genre little by little each day. Sitting at number…
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Southern Holiday Traditions- What’s Your Favorite?

Southern Holiday Traditions- What’s Your Favorite?

BY: D’cara Hood It is almost that time of the year, where we have surpassed the smoldering heat of the summer time. Time for us southerners to break out the warm blankets, and Ugg boots. It is also time for us to decorate our houses and spend quality time with our families. As thanksgiving and Christmas rapidly approach, here are some very common southern holiday traditions. When it comes to holidays southern can tend to be homebodies. When it comes to good ole home cooking and family, us southern folks have that down pat. Up first, Southern thanksgiving traditions, it…
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The Top 5 Most Haunted Places in Alabama

The Top 5 Most Haunted Places in Alabama

BY: Chelsea Bassett Known as the “Heart of Dixie,” home to many singers, historical significance and the best college football, it is no secret that Alabamians relish their Southern heritage. However, Alabama also has a not so glamorous side that isn’t mentioned in the history books. Alabama can’t exactly wash its hands clean of some of the horrific events that has occurred throughout its history, causing some areas of the state to be a hotbed of paranormal activity. The following is a list of the most haunted places in Alabama: SLOSS FURNACES— Birmingham, AL Now a National Historic Landmark, Sloss…
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Sharp Objects

Sharp Objects

BY: Emily Mann The HBO limited series, Sharp Objects, is a psychological drama that will keep you guessing until the very last minute. Camille Preaker, portrayed by Amy Adams, visits her hometown after two girls go missing and one was found dead. The local law enforcement concluded that it was murder, thus making Camille dive further into the case. Many people don’t know that this miniseries is based off of Gillian Flynn’s novel, Sharp Objects. Also the author of Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn gives a dark and twisted series of events and makes you continuously think. As many book lovers…
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Featured Features: First Man

Featured Features: First Man

Full of opinions, but free of spoilers. This weekend came with a release that’s out of this world; First Man. The movie about the famous astronaut Neil Armstrong (I know, I’m so funny). If you enjoy documentaries and if you have any interest in Neil Armstrong, the space race or history in general, I believe you’ll really enjoy this film. The first characteristic about this movie that comes to mind is, if it’s easy for you to experience motion sickness you may want to either wait and watch it on a normal size screen that isn’t movie theatre size, or…
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Venom: Expectation vs Reality

Venom: Expectation vs Reality

BY: Kodi Robertson Sony continues to hold a firm grip on the Spiderman franchise. Rumored to not have the Amazing Web-head featured in this movie Venom aims to prove that the titular character Venom can stand alone without Spidey. When the first trailer dropped, all eyes were set on their own computer screens waiting to see Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock morph into Venom. Fans were left waiting, wanting, and desiring to see how much more improvement was made since Spiderman 3. Make no mistake, Topher Grace did a brilliant job with the script provided and given circumstances of the film.…
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American Drug Use on the Rise

American Drug Use on the Rise

BY: Emily Mann We have been hearing of famous names either deceased or taken to the hospital for a drug overdose. People such as: Demi Lovato, Mac Miller, Lil Peep, Tom Petty, and many more. While we hear of these popular names, we do not know how many people around the nation suffer from this opioid crisis every day. Aftermarket drugs are becoming bigger and bigger. Some people fall into terrible complications and other ultimately lose their lives. When you are treated at the doctor’s office or a hospital, most of the time you are prescribed some type of opioid.…
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My First Day Out: Life After Graduation!

My First Day Out: Life After Graduation!

BY: D’Cara Hood When you graduated from high school, how many of you thought finally, it is over? I am on my own ready to tackle the world! You were quick to thing college here I come. Then you suddenly realize holy cow, this was more than what I signed up for. You have more than average homework ridiculous exams, and professors who love you dearly. You contemplate to yourself that this will one day be for the greater good! Those now four or five years have passed you by, and you made it to the finish line. Graduation is…
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