
Wellness Center Additions

Wellness Center Additions

The Wellness Center is always looking for ways to make improvements and further improve the wellbeing of AUM students. Recently, several new additions have been made, including new pieces of equipment and three new classes. Wendy Franklin, Program Manager of the Wellness Center, explained that this new equipment was there to promote functional fitness and also a means for helping those who may not feel as comfortable on the gym floor. “Some people feel intimidated using the resistance equipment, and we hope that they won’t feel as intimidated using this new equipment,” Franklin said. Wendy also explained that an additional…
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AUM Cheerleaders to Participate in First Exhibition

AUM Cheerleaders to Participate in First Exhibition

Probably the least talked about sports team on campus is the AUM Cheerleading Squad. The squad consists of 11 girls who have a passion for cheering. Coached by Michelle Crompton, their leader is wanting to expand and make the program bigger. On March 7, the squad members will be heading over to the Cramton Bowl Complex in Montgomery to show a routine they have been preparing. Cheerleading squads from across the Southern States Athletic Conference will come and show their skills on this day. This is formally called the SSAC Cheerleading Exhibition. This is the first time the AUM Cheerleaders…
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