Photo Courtesy of AUM Athletics
By: Rachel Moore
MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The prospect of a new player to a team can bring excitement and anticipation in the world of collegiate sports. Transfer sophomore and goalkeeper for Auburn University at Montgomery women’s soccer, Karla Guzmano-Ortiz, has promised to be a beneficial addition to the team.
Hailing from her home of Puerto Rico, the confidence surrounding soccer exudes from Guzman-Ortiz when sitting across from her. Donned in a pink uniform, she shared her journey from budding high school player in Puerto Rico to international collegiate athlete. She describes how she ended up in the United States after the COVID-19 pandemic halted the sport at home.
After spending her junior year on a scholarship in New Hampshire, she landed at the elite IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida. Guzman-Ortiz spent the remainder of her senior year sharpening her goalkeeping skills and graduated with a 2022 national championship title. She would also build meaningful relationships with her teammates.
When asked about her favorite experiences so far, Guzman-Ortiz lit up and raved about her final game at IMG Academy and the emotion felt across the team. “…It was probably the craziest, most competitive, intense game I’ve ever played. Like, tears were being shed everywhere, because obviously we graduated after that and we wouldn’t see each other again.” said Guzman-Ortiz.
A standout on both her high school teams, Guzman-Ortiz’s passion for the sport drew the attention of Saint Leo University in St. Leo, Florida during her senior year. She would spend her first collegiate season there as an athlete before transferring to AUM in 2023 and majoring in management.
Transitioning from a high school to college athlete is no small feat, but adjusting to the demands of stateside sports was especially challenging, as described by Guzman-Ortiz. She highlighted the intensity of the training load when coming to the United States and experiencing more injuries. “When I got to the U.S., it was 4:30 in the morning, get on the bus at 5, lift at 5:30, train until 8, and go to classes.” she said, “It was brutal.”
In addition to her dedication on the field, she balances a rigorous schedule that includes study hall to ensure her success in academics along with her training. As with any student-athlete, discipline is required to thrive on and off the field, which Guzman-Ortiz credits to the sport itself. “[Soccer] has definitely made me good at time-management now.”
As Guzman-Ortiz plows through her first season at AUM, the team has earned one victory against Albany State and most recently lost to West Georgia. Guzman-Ortiz hopes to do her part in securing more season-altering wins during her future at AUM.
With her talent and determination, Guzman-Ortiz is set to become a knock-out player and a fantastic addition to AUM. Make sure to follow AUM Women’s Soccer online for updates on scores, stats and games to attend, as well as following along with Guzman-Ortiz’s journey!

Photo Courtesy of AUM Athletics