Thursday, May 9

Positive Things That Can Be Taken From Quarantine

BY: Justin Hicks

Life before the coronavirus seems to be so far away. COVID-19 has caused society to change in so many ways. We all have been forced into quarantine, and that may seem very negative. What if I told you there are positives that will come from this pandemic? These positives will change the way that we live. Though it is hard to see, there are some benefits from this pandemic that we all will experience. 

1. Time 

Throughout life we all have made the excuse, “I do not have time.” Through this pandemic, we have gained an excess amount of time that we did not possess in normal everyday life. During quarantine, we are forced to stay home, which could be seen as a negative. However, more time at home allows us to spend needed time with loved ones. Also, this excess time gives us the opportunity to complete projects that we have not had time for. Likewise, we can start new projects or learn something new that will help us overcome the darkness in the world around us. 

2. Awareness

Before this pandemic, most people went go through everyday life not realizing the impact that simple health precautions can have on the spread of germs and viruses. This pandemic is making us all become more aware of our surroundings and the way we interact with our surroundings. We all have a hope that something like this will never happen again. Therefore, this pandemic has created a positive awareness of how our small actions can impact the world on a much larger scale. 

3. The want to go and do after this all over 

During quarantine, we are all thinking about what we will do once we can go out again. We dream of going to sporting events, concerts, and large gatherings. After the pandemic, society will become busy because everyone will want to go out and do. People will go out and do more than ever. This pandemic has given us  a newfound appreciation for everyday activities that we take advantage of.