Monday, April 29

The Power of Essential Oils

Young Living is one of the companies that sell pure essential oils.

If I told you that essential oils could improve your mental and physical health, you would probably think I was some sort of witch doctor or hippie. However, research shows that breathing in essential oils can put you in a better mood or keep you focused. When safely applied to wounds or sore muscles, the oils have healing effects. Essential oils are not the cure for mental and physical problems, but they can effectively relieve some of the symptoms.

According to LIVESTRONG Magazine, research has shown that peppermint oil has stimulant properties that create an aroma which, when inhaled, wake up your senses and allow for better concentration. Peppermint aromatherapy helps keeps students focused during their studies, which could help them maintain better grades in the long run.

Lavender oil has been proven to decrease anxiety and depression in people whether taken orally or breathed in through aromatherapy. According to the Natural Medicine Journal, in 2012, a study was performed in which patients with anxiety and depression disorders were exposed to lavender aromatherapy for six weeks. By the end of the six week period, the patients had an overall decreased level of anxiety or depression. This is because lavender has 160 properties that all together aid in alleviating stress and relaxing the mind.

Tea Tree oil has antiseptic and healing properties that can effectively treat small wounds. In 2013, FOX News reported that when diluted with carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil, tea tree oil can be applied directly to small skin abrasions, insect bites, fungal infections, acne and warts. The oils have disinfecting properties that aid in healing those types of wounds and relieving some of their associated symptoms such as pain or discomfort.

Essential oils are most effective in their purest form. Young Living offers a wide variety of pure essential oils and oil diffusers for purchase. Individual oils cost anywhere from 20 to 60 dollars while the diffusers range anywhere from 30 to over 200 dollars. Young Living offers a membership deal that consists of ten essential oils as well as a diffuser valued at 84 dollars all for a total of 160 dollars.

Doterra Essential oils are also very pure and are slightly less expensive than those of Young Living. This company also allows consumers to buy single oils as well as diffusers. Some essential oils and diffusers can be bought off of Amazon for lower prices. However, there is more risk that the oils are used or spoiled. Amazon also offers some off-brand essential oils that are not pure which in turn, renders them less effective.

It is wise to research which oils interest you the most as well as which diffuser will meet your needs. Essential oils can be pricey; however, only a few small drops can diffuse into your home for hours.

Essential oils are useful in helping relax the mind and body as well as treating small wounds. The oils may make a good alternative to medicines. People who would like to use essential oils in replacement of medicine should always consult a doctor first. Essential oils are a very natural way to help focus the mind, take a load off and help take care of the body.

By Katelyn Turner