Sunday, May 19

Spike in Voter Registration

BY: Emily Mann

As many if you probably know, the upcoming election on November 6 is all the talk on social media and the news. After the Dr. Ford testimony against Brett Kavanaugh, the nation began growing angry and upset with the way the American government is run and operates. Many officials are urging citizens to vote because we need to change the injustice in the country. After spreading awareness through news outlets and social media, there has been one of the largest spikes of voter registration in history.

Many believe that it is because of Taylor Swift’s AMA’s speech that spike registration and she may be the reason. She stated that she has never shared her political beliefs in the past, but she felt that she needed to this time. She wants to see the world change. At the end of her speech, she says, “So thank you for this incredible symbol of encouragement, thank you so much for this, and I just want to make a mention of the fact that this award and every single award given out tonight were voted on by the people and you know what else is voted on by the people? The midterm on November 6. Get out and vote, and I love you guys.” Some people believe that she is responsible for the spiked registration and others think it has more to do with the Kavanaugh case and Trump being in office.

This year on September 25, 800,000 people registered to vote. This was just on one day. More people continue to register; even today. Between October 7 and October 9, 166,000 people registered to vote. Another surprising statistic is that 46 percent of these people were between the ages of 18-24; the age of college students. This shows that more college aged students are keeping up with politics and are basically the deciding votes. The way the government is now is due to the older generations voting how they are used to.

In saying that, if more Millennials were to vote for what they believe in, they could possibly change the way the government works and the humanity in the nation. Everyday you can see the protests growing larger. You can hear the voices getting louder and from people who were reluctant to speak before. You can see people coming forward and speaking out about the change they feel America needs.

The last day to register to vote in Alabama is October 22. If you have views and beliefs on how the nation should be run and operated, make your vote known on November 6, 2018.