Thursday, May 9

Safety Tips for Spring Break

Spring break is that one week a year where most college aged students rush to a beach, a ski lodge, or even somewhere over seas. With AUM’s spring break right around the corner, it is essential to add these tips and reminders to your packing list:

First, staying safe during spring break or any other vacation starts before you even leave the driveway. If you are traveling by car to your spring break location, keep these tips in mind. If possible, you should switch out drivers to avoid someone falling asleep at the wheel. The person sitting in the passenger seat could be in charge of the music and keeping the driver alert. Before you do that, you need to make sure everyone that is attending spring break has a valid driver’s license.

Next, bring a physical map of the route decided and location. While this tip might not be taken too seriously, it is important to always have a backup in case Google Maps, Waze, or any other digital map application decides not to work.

Another tip to keep in mind is never leave your valuables visible in your car.

Finally, arguably the most important tip to remember on spring break and any other time, is to never, under any circumstances, get into a vehicle if you have any suspicion that the driver has had any alcohol. There is nothing wrong with bringing this up to your friends if you feel uncomfortable. There is no excuse for drinking and driving, no matter who you are. In the end, you would much rather have a safe spring break with all of your friends rather than potentially winding up in the hospital for any reason. A safer alternative to drinking and driving is to select a member of your party to be the designated driver for the night. While this is a great and safe idea, there are situations that occur all the time of the designated driver still drinking, putting everyone else in danger. If this happens, do not hesitate to call a friend to come pick you up. If this is not a useable option, applications such as Uber and Lyft are a common alternative to drinking and driving.

If you keep these tips in mind, you will be well on your way to enjoying a safe and fun spring break!

By Alexandrea Moore