Monday, May 6

Q & A With Darrell Puckett


We sat down to ask a few questions to the AUMnibus sportswriter Darrell Puckett.

– What’s your major?

My major is sports journalism with a minor in photography.

– What are you trying to accomplish at AUM?

I’m trying to accomplish the incredible. Not many people can make it through college and then actually get a successful job afterwards. I want to make people get excited when they see my article or sports blog.

– What are some of your career goals?

To write Auburn recruiting or bass fishing would be ideal, but other than that, I’d love to be a journalist/photographer for a sports website. Heck, I might even start my own sports website!

– What is your dream job?

I’d love to talk sports on the radio and be a professional journalist with inside perks. I guess my hero of sports talk would be Colin Cowheard. If I could accomplish anything like Cowheard did, then life would be great!

– What do you enjoy about writing sports for the AUMnibus?

I enjoy having my own weekly sports column. That’s something I’ve always wanted and it’s literally a dream come true at this level of my journalism career. I love writing SEC sports and fishing columns.

– Favorite Movie?

That’s a tough one, but I’d have to go with “Old School.” Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn do one incredible job!

– Favorite Food?

Unfortunately, it’s pizza. I kill myself every single week with cheap Little Czar’s pizzas!

– Favorite Sport?

My favorite sport would be baseball. It’s America’s pastime and the history is so rich. I’d like to argue with someone about the great history of baseball over any other sport! I grew up an avid Yankees and Reds fan, but love the Braves too.

– Do you have any advice for people just starting college?

Just breathe. Don’t try to graduate in your first few weeks of college and get frustrated with how difficult it really is. Also, remember that this experience will change your life and the direction you want it to go. Trust me on this one, I didn’t start out having my own sport’s column, it took a few years to establish myself. Live a little and laugh a lot are the keys to success while attending college your freshman year!