Saturday, May 4

Is the Café Good? Survey Says…

BY: Anonymous

There are a few things that can make or break a college student’s campus life. Having a social group, events to go to and meet new people, and places to hang out at are all important. However, one of the most critical things in our lives at this point is simply food. It’s where most of our money goes and what we’re getting between classes. Hell, the main reason we go to campus events is to simply eat and leave (you’re not the only one, we all do it). It only makes sense that the cafeteria plays a big role in our lives as students.

 Furthermore, it’s no secret that Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) students have been unhappy with the school’s cafeteria food for some time. So, we decided to survey the student body and ask for their opinion on the AUM Café. 

None of them held back and some of their responses may surprise you.

1 .The Food is Overpriced

It’s no secret that the food at the café is expensive, and getting your money’s worth is almost impossible when a turkey burger will cost you $5 by itself. It many instances, you’ll be able to get more food at a lower price off campus.

“I like the deals of the week, but otherwise, it’s too expensive. Why is the salad so f****** expensive? It’s like $7,” said one junior student. A senior communications student also voiced her displeasure. “It’s overpriced. As a commuter, you get $100, but the food is so expensive. It doesn’t go as far.”

2 .We Need (More) Better Options

While there are “options”, a common opinion among students is that it’s the same ones every week. “It feels like they offer mostly greasy options. Nothing is really healthy and the selection is very slim”, said one nursing student. “I’m just tired of eating chicken and tacos”, said another. A couple of people suggested that the café bring back old menu items. “They did Jamaican and soul food a couple times. They should do that more often”, expressed one student-athlete. One sophomore added that, “We used to have Chinese food, subs, and flatbreads. They need to bring it back or switch things up”.

3. Its Cleanliness is…Questionable

“I don’t know. Maybe if I’m starving, I’ll eat there”

It seems like a pretty clean place to eat, right? For the most part, yes, but many students have expressed their concerns and a few had some very disturbing stories to share.

“One time I went to the salad bar and saw a cockroach-not in the salad, but just walking around”, shared one Economics major. “Ever since then, I stopped eating the salad there”.

An English major chimed in about his personal experience, alleging that one employee proposed a potential health concern. “This past October, I was getting food and a worker came out of the back room of the kitchen with two ladles. One had chocolate, one had vanilla, and he licked them both. He then asked another employee if they wanted to try some”.

Even if it isn’t detrimental to anyone’s health, exemplifying this kind of behavior in front of customers is certainly distasteful. “It made me feel very uncomfortable and I don’t think I’ll ever eat there again”. When we asked the student if he would stop eating at that particular station or the entire cafeteria entirely, he answered brutally.

“I don’t know. Maybe if I’m starving, I’ll eat there.”

Additionally, there has been rumors of students being served raw chicken, according to one Exercise Science major. “A lot of people have told me that they’ve had issues with the chicken tenders being raw”.

4. The Food isn’t Good

No one is saying it’s entirely bad! However, the food does leave a lot to be desired. Especially in the taste department, according to one Pre-Pharmacy major. “It sucks. I f****** hate the pizza bar. The dough taste like crap, [there’s] not enough sauce, and its undercooked”.

“The options they do offer are too expensive for the size portions they give and I generally don’t enjoy it. I try to avoid eating on campus as much as possible”, added another graduate student.

“I try to avoid eating on campus as much as possible.”

It’s important to note that the food may not be as bad as it seems, and that people may simply be bored with it. Though, one Journalism major may have summed it best: “I’m not asking for high class food, just food that I can taste”.

5. It’s Not All Bad…

Some students consider the AUM dining experience to be fine, and in many ways, it is. One sophomore stated that “it’s a great place and has a great environment”. “It’s fine. I just wish some things stayed open longer”, said a freshman student. Additionally, while the food may not be the best, the customer service is good. It’s not uncommon to be shown a smile at the register or to be told “have a good day” on your way out. While the AUM cafeteria isn’t perfect, there is a silver lining.

When presented, we as students need to take full advantage of every opportunity to voice our opinion. Send an email, tell the server what you like and dislike, if you see something crawling (though, you might be inclined to run) – say something!  Remember: it’s our food, our cafeteria, our school.