Monday, May 6

Improve Your Running

By Nikki Headley

running big


You feel the sweat pouring down your body. Your calf muscles feel as if they are about to explode. And you feel as though your lungs are going to give out at any moment. You want to stop running towards a seemingly never-ending goal. As your body comes to a stop you realize that you have barely run a half-mile. This unfortunately happens to the best of runners. So how do you continue when you want to stop? I am going to bring up four ways to improve your running.

1. Push yourself. That burning in your calf muscles and that cramped feeling in your stomach will eventually go away. You have to make the effort to continue despite all of the issues that you are experiencing.  Push yourself to become the runner that you want to become. You may have to start out slower than your friend who has been running for three years. Start off with a half-mile a day and improve from there.

2. Take your mind somewhere else. While you are running don’t continually think that you hate running. You aren’t going to get very far with that attitude? Listen to music while running or think about what you have to do after. Reminisce on some old memories or think about making some new ones. There are plenty of things to think about other than having a negative attitude.

3. Location. Location is very important to a runner. Some people enjoy the treadmill, some a track or some the outdoors.  No matter where you decide to run it needs to be in a place that you feel comfortable. Each location has its benefits and drawbacks. Going outside could allow you to see the beauties that nature has to offer, but weather and terrain could cause you to slow down. The treadmill is a quick way to get your run out of the way, but can be boring. The track could help your distance be accurately measured by laps, but often has the obstacle of high traffic.

4. Don’t overdo it. If you are tired after a run drink plenty of water and stretch. If your muscles feel like they are at risk of being pulled, take a break or walk the next day. You can also apply ice to the sore spots on your legs to heal your muscles more quickly. If you are a new runner you will need to learn your limits. You know when your body has had too much.

Running is a great way to relieve your stress. Try some of these tips, and they will surely help you to become a more successful runner.

[Edited by Silvia Gaignoni - 10/22/13]