Thursday, May 9

Fighting the Flu

BY: Caitlin Gallagher

Flu season is upon us, and unfortunately, it does not discriminate. If you’re like me, you cannot afford to miss classes due to the unwelcome virus. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to eliminate the chances of catching the flu and other airborne illnesses.

Washing your hands with warm water and soap multiple times throughout the day is the old-fashioned way to stop the spreading of germs and viruses. I know‒ parents probably told you that when you were younger, but it’s tried and true. If you aren’t able to wash your hands more than just when you use the restroom, hand sanitizer is another great way to keep germs off your hands. Personal and travel size sanitizers are available at supermarkets and have really convenient holders that are easily attachable to backpacks or purses. 

Another important method is to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) led a study that shows a single sneeze can travel up to 200 feet at 100 mph. Using a handkerchief, tissue, or even the inside of your elbow helps to eliminate the spreading of flu, strep throat, mono and various other viruses. 

Getting your flu vaccine is one of the best methods of flu prevention. Available at pharmacies and your primary care physician’s office, the flu shot is covered by most insurance companies. What if you do not have a preferred pharmacy or primary care physician? Student Health Services is offering flu vaccines to AUM staff and students and their dependents. Supplies are limited, so be sure to get to Moore Hall Room 102 from 8 am to 11 am or 1 pm to 4pm every day to get your flu vaccine.

Protecting yourself from the flu and other viruses is important, but so is protecting everybody else. Keep these tips in mind, so you can keep yourself in class.