Sunday, May 19

Featured Features: A Star Is Born

Full of opinions, but free of spoilers. 

The universe has finally blessed us with a movie we all have been wanting but most importantly, a movie this world needs. A Star Is Born has been on the tongues of many these past months leading up to the premiere. When the trailer first came out people were hooked, and the internet went wild for it and continues to.

Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper star in the fourth remake of this movie, and possibly the best version; granted I haven’t seen the other ones but I don’t need to because this movie is pure gold. With this being the fourth remake, it would be reasonable to expect this movie to be garbage, but boy is that far from the case. One characteristic of this movie I quite enjoy is the fact that it doesn’t drag like some romantic dramas tend to do. It actually moves along fairly quick, especially in the beginning.

Lady Gaga absolutely steals the show. I know, I know you’re probably giving me side eye, but I am not exaggerating in the slightest. She’s so good in this film she’s getting Best Actress buzz for Oscar season; crazy right?! Not only does Bradley Cooper star as the leading man he also directed the movie, and neither of his roles seem to have fallen short because of his double duties. The chemistry between these two is extraordinary; emphasis on extraordinary. It’s so beautiful that the real world is secretly hoping that the two fall in love, get married and have beautiful and talented children together. We obviously see a different side from Lady Gaga we haven’t really been able to dive into, and it’s so obvious that she was born to be an entertainer, both as an actor and as a singer. Her singing is really emphasized in this movie, mainly because all of the singing in this movie is done live, which is bonkers. We also get to see another side from Bradley Cooper as well, and you realize that he’s a really good actor; so good. You also realize that he’s greedy because he’s been hiding that beautiful voice from us this whole time! Again, I haven’t seen the other movies so I’m not sure how the stories align or how the story is told in different ways, but this story is sure to take you on a roller coaster of emotions. We see Bradley Cooper’s character battle his inner demons and how Lady Gaga’s character supports him with every ounce of love in her being while trying to build her career at the same time

Be aware that while you’re in this movie your heart will burst with joy and happiness and soon you’re bawling your eyes out. You will fall in love with the characters and become emotionally invested into the story without trying. The movie is practically perfect and if you haven’t seen it you really need to go see this masterpiece ASAP. Don’t bring your children to see this featured film though, there’s some naughty adult scenes in it if you know what I mean. So, leave the kids home for this one, folks!

Let’s chat! What are your opinions about the movie? What upcoming release should I check out? Email me at

Hey, my name is Olivia Crutchfield! I’m not a movie expert but I just so happen to live with one, and our love for movies takes us to the movie theaters every single week to see new releases. So, be on the lookout for a review from me almost every week.

If you consider yourself a movie expert or you just really love them like me and want to listen to three guys giving their opinion on movies, all the while being hilarious, you may want to check out the podcast Best Pictures anywhere you get your podcasts.