Saturday, April 27

Classic Video Game Review: Ristar

By Matt Estes

ristar bannerI want you to try out a video game you’ve never played before. Most people have never played “Ristar.” That needs to change.

“Ristar” is a colorful and creative game released on the Sega Genesis in 1995, but you wouldn’t know it because the game looks gorgeous. While most Genesis games can only render limited graphics, “Ristar” takes that rule and tosses it off the nearest planet.

You take control of, of all things, a star. This star maneuvers by stretching his arms and grabbing objects in the varying worlds. The fun is in the experience of tactically getting past enemies and through levels. The creators find interesting ways to craft the environment in every round.

One of the standout features of this game, besides having the best graphics on the Genesis, is the music. The tunes pop with atmospheric energy. There is not one track in the game that is not pleasing to the ear. It’s exactly the style modern dance music DJ’s shoot for when making rhythms.

I won’t lie to you, this game is very difficult. You will not beat it on your first play, no matter how good you are at platform games.

If you have a Genesis console, track down a copy online or find one at a local thrift store. It’s also available on the Wii Virtual Console or on “Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection” on the PlayStation 3.

[Edited by Darrell Puckett 10/30/13]