Thursday, May 9

Month: November 2018

A Look at the #MeToo Movement: One Year Later

A Look at the #MeToo Movement: One Year Later

BY: Tommi Jo Miller One year ago this month, #MeToo took the internet, and the country, by storm. In an effort to raise awareness about a devastatingly prevalent issue, actress Alyssa Milano prompted her Twitter followers to share their own sexual assault stories using the hashtag. According to studies by the Pew Research Center, the hashtag is used almost 60,000 times every day, totaling to nearly 20 million #MeToo tweets since the hashtag originated last year. While the inception of the movement was a year ago, its effects are still being felt. In the past year, many prominent men have fallen due to sexual assault accusations coming to light.Film producer Harvey Weinstein, CBS CEO Les Moonves, comedian Louis CK, news anchor Matt Lauer, actor Kevin Spacey, and other have been stripp...
Helpful Tips for Those Struggling to Choose a Major

Helpful Tips for Those Struggling to Choose a Major

BY: Tommi Jo Miller If you have yet to choose a major, do not feel alone. On average, 20% to half of all college students have not chosen a major at the start of their college career. The U.S. Department of Education cites almost 60% of college students taking 6 years to graduate with a traditionally 4-year bachelor’s degree. This number, which could be a cause of changing majors, promotes the need to find a major sooner rather than later. Huffington Post’s Gianna Sen-Gupta researched with college advisors to find tips on how to make choosing a major easy. Do what you find interesting. The number of majors to choose from can be surprising. Nearly every interest an individual has can translate to a career path. If a student loves going to the gym, physical education, exercise scie...

Billboard’s Top 100: Song of the Week “Girls Like You”- by Maroon 5 (feat. Cardi B)

BY: Kodi Robertson A guitar plays, the chords of strings are plucked at a quick tempo. Standing alone, the strings sing out notes that fly off the neck of the guitar fluidly. Adam Levine’s presence is felt as he waits patiently for his cue to sing. Levine finally hits the first lyric blending his voice with Carmichael’s guitar chords. Maroon 5 is known for not being afraid to explore outside of their genre. A band that started out as alternative, has slid into the pop genre with ease changing the genre little by little each day. Sitting at number one on the Billboard Top 100 for six weeks straight, “Girls Like You” does not seem to be leaving the top five anytime soon. Levine and company are no strangers to producing top quality songs....
Southern Holiday Traditions- What’s Your Favorite?

Southern Holiday Traditions- What’s Your Favorite?

BY: D’cara Hood It is almost that time of the year, where we have surpassed the smoldering heat of the summer time. Time for us southerners to break out the warm blankets, and Ugg boots. It is also time for us to decorate our houses and spend quality time with our families. As thanksgiving and Christmas rapidly approach, here are some very common southern holiday traditions. When it comes to holidays southern can tend to be homebodies. When it comes to good ole home cooking and family, us southern folks have that down pat. Up first, Southern thanksgiving traditions, it goes well beyond saying bless your heart and covering everything in gravy. Here are my top traditions for thanksgiving, and you absolutely know you are having a southern thanksgiving! Having bacon in your green beans i...