Thursday, May 2

10 Creepiest Scary Movie Characters

By Jessica Klinner    

Throughout the years, Hollywood has produced some of the scariest movies. Our nightmares are brought to life before our eyes. No matter what the movie is about, there is always a creepy antagonist sneaking around waiting to ruin the day. Check out 10 of the creepiest scary movie characters in horror film history.

1. Jigsaw (Saw)

jigsaw-saw-5454125-350-211After a failed suicide attempt, John Kramer, also known as Jigsaw, gains a new respect for life and seeks to force others to appreciate theirs. He kidnaps people he thinks are wasting their lives and administers symbolic death traps to test their will to live through self-sacrifice. He often appears to victims in the form of his puppet, Billy. Interestingly enough, Jigsaw never actually kills anyone in the series. He sets up scenarios where a person’s actions define the outcome. Jigsaw’s interesting story is spread out across the movies, but is hard to keep up with because of the focus on gory scenes.

2. Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare On Elm Street)

Freddy_KruegerA serial killer chasing after you while you’re awake is scary enough, but how about one that continues to chase you in your dreams? His burned skin, razor glove and disgruntled sweater give him the iconic look we all recognize and fear. Seeking revenge against the adults who killed him, Freddy haunts the dreams of their children. Though he may be one of the most terrifying villains in horror movie history, his one-liners before attacking victims give some comic relief to the intense film.


 3. Michael Myers (Halloween)

Tyler Mane as Michael Myers in HalloweenAfter fifteen years of being in a mental hospital after killing his sister, Michael Myers is out for revenge. If Myers had a catchphrase, it would be “silent but deadly.” His slow movements, ogre-like demeanor and emotionless mask combine to create the creepiest killer of classic horror films.  His theme music still makes people scan their surroundings just to make sure he isn’t creeping around nearby.



 4. Pennywise (It)

Pennywise_Evil_GrinClowns have transformed from happy, fun-loving birthday party hosts to terrifying killing machines because of It, based on Stephen King’s novel of the same name.  Pennywise is a creepy clown that lives in the sewers of Maine and eats children. Not only is he terrifying as a clown, but he has the ability to shape shift into any being. Is there anything scarier?



5. Regan MacNeil (The Exorcist)

245990_1243904947175_fullIf there’s one thing to learn from The Exorcist, it’s to not mess with Ouija boards. Regan MacNeil learned that lesson the hard way when she became possessed by a demon after summoning it through a Ouija board. The head spin scene in this movie could be the weirdest and creepiest scene in horror film history. Though more convincing exorcist movies have been made, this one takes the cake because it’s the original.


 6. Jaws

jaws1The scariest movies are those involving real life scenarios. Shark attacks are a frightening thing all together, so why not make a movie about a great white that kills everyone? Thank you Steven Spielberg for making everyone even more afraid to get into the ocean! The theme song is an iconic tune that has been making people check over their shoulders for years whenever they hear it.



 7. Damien Thorn (The Omen)

2455-309x316He may look sweet and innocent, but Damien Thorn is the devil in disguise. Well actually, he’s just the devil’s son. The demon child is raised in a normal household, but is far from normal himself. After several fatal accidents involving his nannies, Damien’s father begins to wonder what kind of evil looms within his son. Oh boy! He is in for a surprise!



 8. Chucky (Child’s Play)

Childs-play-chucky-image Dolls are already the creepiest looking toys in existence. A doll possessed by the soul of a serial killer? Now, that’s a scary combination! Chucky has been making people everywhere throw out their old dolls for years. The torture of the doll didn’t end with Child’s Play, though. Chucky has continued to menace children and adults everywhere in various sequels over the years. Unfortunately for us, this deranged doll even got married and had a child.


 9. Leatherface (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)

1331065652_Leatherface_004If you ever find yourself stranded on a highway in Texas, don’t get out of your car. Chances are Leatherface is waiting for you to be his next victim. Usually portrayed as mentally retarded or disturbed, Leatherface wears the skin of his victims as a mask. What makes this character even scarier is that he is based on a real life murderer, Ed Gein. Known for his iconic use of a chainsaw to murder his victims, Leatherface remains the godfather of slasher movie serial killers.


 10. Dementors (Harry Potter series)

800px-Dementor_Prisoner_of_AzkabanWhile scarier creatures appear throughout the Harry Potter series, the dementors take the crown as the creepiest. They suck the soul out of their victims and leave them in a vegetative state. Dementors are blind and draw near to their victims by sensing positive emotions.  A Dementor’s Kiss, where the creature latches on and sucks out the soul of their victim, is seen as worse than death. This is because the soul is gone but the body remains, destroying the victim’s humanity.


[ Edited by Darrell Puckett and Silvia Giagnoni - 10/19/13]