Monday, May 20

Tag: eji

Remembering the Past and Embracing the Future

Remembering the Past and Embracing the Future

BY: Alecia Hicks In 1970, Black History Day changed from a single day of celebration to an entire month. Now, Americans have the opportunity to dedicate a month filled with remembrance for the brave men and women who endured many years of slavery and persecution to fight for a better country that upholds its constitution declaring that every citizen is “free,” despite skin color, sexual preference, ethnicity, or background.  Montgomery, Ala. is known as an important city because of its location during the slave trade and Civil Rights Era. Martin Luther King Jr.’s church can be found on Dexter Avenue in Downtown Montgomery. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was held in 1956 following the incident involving Rosa Parks. The march from Selma to Alabama’s capital in Downtown Montgomery and many...