Monday, May 20

Tag: Class of 2020

To the Graduating Seniors of 2020

To the Graduating Seniors of 2020

BY: Caitlin Gallagher My first semester here at AUM was Spring 2012. I bought a new backpack, all new supplies, and a laptop. I was so excited to do this—get my degree and get a kickass job afterward. Seven and a half years later, and I’m finally getting my degree, but it’s not how I pictured it.  The worldwide pandemic of COVID 19 has left some of us, especially graduating seniors, feeling a little low. Athletes didn’t know their last game would be their last game. Panhellenic members didn’t know their last social would be their last social. I didn’t know that what I’ve worked towards for seven and a half years would be pushed back for another three months. I know-- I’ll still get my degree at the end of the semester but it sure doesn’t feel that way. COVID 19 has left the wor...