Are you ever looking for fun, inexpensive ways to spend your weekend? If your wallet looks anything like mine, you are often in need of fun on a budget. For the affordable price of one dollar, you can spend the second Saturday of every month listening to a live performance and watching fireworks on the Riverfront. These events are creatively called “Second Saturdays”—that’s when they take place, from April to August– and have been immensely popular since their debut in 2013. Second Saturdays have been free of charge until last year, when the city of Montgomery decided to charge a small fee of one dollar per person and donate the proceeds to local charities.

I have attended many past events and had a blast fangirling to popular bands like Fly By Radio and my favorite, Trotline. Wakeboarding competitions and cook offs have also taken place at Second Saturday events. A variety of local food and drink vendors are also present. The festivities are centered downtown, usually by the Amphitheater, and are in walking distance to popular bars, such as Alley Bar and SandBAR. Moreover, they are events that every member of the family can enjoy. Children 12 and under get in free of charge and can participate in the interactive activities present.
Montgomery’s event website, www.funinmontgomery.com releases information on each Saturday’s activities as the date nears so there is not an abundance of information on upcoming events right now. However, we do know that the next Second Saturday will be May 14. This month’s fun will begin with an Iron Chef Cook-off at 4 p.m. and will be followed by a performance by the MVP band at 6 p.m. For the month of May, the proceeds will go towards the Hemophilia and Blood Disorders Association. It doesn’t get any better than donating to a local cause, enjoying live entertainment and spending time outdoors with your family and friends. I hope you come out for a handful of fun-filled nights this summer but please leave your food, beverages and coolers at home.

For more information on this month’s event or details on upcoming activities, keep up with the Montgomery website, www.funinmontgomery.com or call (334) 625-2100.
By Kalen Huggins